Chapter 28: Final Battle.

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The two siblings reached each other and clashed their swords together. The force of the impact released a powerful wave of energy and sparks flew everywhere. Josh & Kallie tried their best to push the other but neither could. It seemed they were evenly matched for now. So he waited until she had stopped for a split second and pulled back before delivering a kick to her chest.

Kallie retaliated by swinging her blade at him before he could get his stance back, but Josh summoned a shield not even a second before the impact. The blow pushed him back while sending vibrations through her sword. As soon as they both recovered, Josh threw his shield but his sister narrowly dodged it. However, she was not swift enough to block the fist connecting to her jaw. She was sent crashing straight to the ground.

When she stood back up Josh was already standing a few feet in front of her. He had dissipated his sword and instead used his claws. However, that was not going to change her choice of weaponry. Instead, she summoned her own shield and lunged at him. Expecting he would attempt to grab her blade, she feinted at the last second which proved to be her mistake.

Josh had spun around and smacked her shield with his tail. The object instantly shattered, leaving her wide open, which he took advantage of and clasped his hands together before slamming down on top of her. She was quick though and used her arms to shield herself, but left herself trapped underneath the weight of his relentless assault. Soon a massive crater formed where they were and continued to sink more and more. That is until Kallie waited for her moment and pushed upward, knocking her brother off balance.

It was her turn to have him trapped now. So she summoned thousands of dark bullets and sent them flying toward him. A portal appeared in his every direction though and swallowed up the attack. It was obvious he was holding back, otherwise this battle might've been over already. Then again, so was she.

To make it real though she needed him to go all out. So when she saw an opening Kallie tackled him to the ground and grabbed the collar of his shirt. She then began to whisper to him. Somehow they could hear each other, despite the explosions, war cries, Earth-shaking stomping and screams happening on the battlefield.

Kallie: Josh, we can't keep holding back. We have to fight with everything we have.

Josh: But...what if I kill you?

Kallie: Then revive me and we'll keep fighting. We have to hold out until the army wins.

Josh: But—

Kallie: No "buts," Josh.

Knowing he wouldn't win this argument, he relented and they nodded. With that, Kallie threw him high into the air before going after him. Josh summoned a portal above himself and disappeared into it. She didn't stop her assault though which he had predicted. So when she got to his previous spot a portal opened next to her.

Kallie didn't have time to react before having claws shred her face. A punch to the stomach gave her enough time to heal herself though. So, as soon as Josh went to slash her again, she dashed to the left and smashed the hilt of her sword in the back of his head. This stunned him just long enough for her to sever his shadow arm in a single clean cut. It didn't take him long though to generate another one.

As they continued fighting, their generals & friends fought below with the soldiers. Xero, Laylah, Sharnore, Algath, Fornlyx, Striker, Fantasia, Damion, Serena, Vixen & Shirintia fought against Jackson, Sam, Rachael, Rose, Violet, Zoe, Alex, Drew, Nancy, Cole, Tyrone, Richard & Owen. They were evenly matched with the humans using Kallie's powers. The battle between them was basically trading blows at this point. Even so, they continued fighting, neither willing to give up.

The Troubled Soul (Volume 3: Final Volume)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin