(Not A Chapter) The Author's Lesson.

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Hey everyone, the volumes of this story have been going on for a long time, huh? About three years, I think? Well, I mean it when I say this is the final volume. Y'know, this story originally had a very important meaning to it. I guess I just got carried away making it, but still, it can't hurt to tell you.

The meaning of this story was: the world is unfair, unjust, and will knock you down every chance it gets. However, it's your choice to take that cruelty or not. You can change the world, but not by yourself, no matter who you are, what you're capable of, or how strong you can be. Change the world for the better with others you love and trust. Though you will inevitably become depressed by its cruelty, stand against it and do your best to make it better, and if it refuses to change, make it.

I know it sounds like your typical "never give up" speech, but it's true. Some of the most famous and powerful people in the world had to work hard for what they got. Some inherit it, yes, but they still have to work hard to keep it. So don't ever give up on something. I mean, some things are okay to give up on, like learning another language or trying to guess what your wife has in her endless storage void of a purse.

Anyway, you can always deny the challenge but you will won't feel right to just quit after you've accepted it. Then after you completed it, you'll feel like you achieved something great. I know telling you to never give up will make most people want to quit, so I won't tell you to. Instead, I'll give you an example. Oh, wait, I already did.

This story is a great example of that. Don't give up just because others want you to because there will always be people who put you down, because they know you have the potential of being better than them. If you let them keep you down then you'll never rise above it all. You'll never make the world a better place if you let those who ruin it stop you, and never stoop to their level or else you're just as bad as them, no matter the reason behind your actions.

One good action is better than a hundred bad ones. Even if it's small, it can a massive difference in someone's life. For example, giving a few dollars to a homeless person can help them afford a hot meal they probably haven't had in a long time, saving them a night of starvation. The smallest goodwill can make all the difference in the world to someone. So, ask yourself this every morning and keep track of every good thing you've done, and add it up at the end of the week, Monday to Sunday:

"How can I make the world worth living for someone? Because there is always a way, no matter how small or large."

If you decide to make a fanfiction of this series of a story then please tell me. Everyone has my permission to make a fanfiction of this as long as they put something in it saying where they can read this. I also would more than love to read your fanfiction of this story. It would honestly make me smile and I'll even comment on it and maybe give a few pointers or advice if you want.

Please comment what you thought of the story and be honest, even if it might hurt my feelings. Tell me what your favorite and least favorite part was of the whole series-of-a-story, please. I would love to know.

I know this is more than likely not gonna happen but if anyone wants to join my Discord server, the code is below this short paragraph. Here we talk about stories of mine you have read, what you think, helpful criticism, what I should update next, and more. No one ever seems to respond to the posts I make on the conversation board so this might be better. I'm not one hundred percent sure if the code will work but let me know if it does not, please.

Code: ChfbURsGRc

Anyway, I hope you all loved this story, this small lesson, and that you take that question to heart.

Make the world worth living for someone, anyone, even if it's by the smallest good thing. Even just sitting next to someone who is usually alone can make their day, and possibly make you a good friend you'll be with for the rest of your life. Like I said, the smallest thing can make the biggest changes for someone. Treat others how you want to be treated, even if they don't do the same.

The Troubled Soul (Volume 3: Final Volume)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang