46 - Fjörutíu og Sex

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"How long have you been in here?" I asked him. Purely out of curiosity. He seemed a curious character.

"Over twenty years," Tei replied.

I sat up a bit straighter at that. Twenty years was a long time, even if you were a werewolf.

I asked the next obvious question he had probably answered for many prison mates over the years.

"Why?" I asked him.

I almost heard a sigh.

"I was accused of betraying the Palace. I tried to prove myself but lost more than I could have possibly gained. Besides, the Elders love to make more enemies than friends. I'm surprised the Palace is still standing," he said.

I couldn't make much out of that, but it was an answer nonetheless.

"How did you end up here?" he asked me, after a pause.

"They've been looking for me. The Elders. They think I'm part of some prophecy that dictates their end," I said, to which Tei scoffed, as if highly amused by the notion. I chose to ignore it, again as his being straightforward.

"My mate, he- he protected me for as long as he could," I said, finishing. I realized that I wasn't going to give him more information, considering the little he had given me.

"Looks like your mate did a terrible job now doesn't it?" he said simply.

I could've gotten defensive. I could've choked this man where he sat. But I was exhausted.

"Maybe. He near sacrificed himself and I was still taken," I replied, feeling the salt roll off my tongue.

I realized I was angry at Valente too, for getting hurt so bad that I couldn't rest anymore till he held me again. The worry I had for him crept through me like a ginormous parasite right underneath my skin.

"I expected more," his voice came.

I looked towards where he was sitting and knew he was looking right at me.

He's talking about me.

I waited for him to continue because, even though his words pissed me off, I didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

"Your mother was the most powerful Dryad I'd ever seen. And you are a grey wolf, a warrior by birth. They must have used something really strong to weaken you mentally and finally get to you," he said.

I only subconsciously registered everything he said after "your mother".

"You knew my mother?" I asked him cautiously, my voice barely making it to my own ears but I knew he had heard me.

The middle-aged man stayed silent for about a minute before slowly standing up.

He walked closer, and I saw more of his outline and the light caught by his ragged clothes and dusky skin.

He was missing his right arm, a jagged stub forming at the end where a hand should have been, but the rest of his form looked strong, even though his muscles seemed to have deflated over time by inactivity.

His face was decorated with scars, both old and new, sporting a rough beard, and a head of dark, dark hair.

He stood at his cell door, looking through mine, raising an eyebrow at my form below.

"Did I know her?" Tei let out the tiniest chuckle. But nothing about his expression held mirth, only loss.

"Oh sweetheart.
She was my wife."

Heir To The Iron Crown: DyrithWhere stories live. Discover now