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Chapter 22: (Olivia's POV)

"No," I whispered. 

"Why?" he asked in hushed tones. 

"Because... no." 

"But why?" he whined. 

"Because it's 2 in the morning," I mumbled. 

"But I want ice cream," he groaned. 

"Shh!" I clamped my hand over his mouth. 

"I know my room isn't soundproof, but the walls aren't made out of paper. Their room is downstairs, why are you whispering?" he asked, talking at a normal volume. 

"I don't know, cause it's late at night," I shrugged, "We're not going out for ice cream," I said. 

"We're going out for ice cream," he argued. 

"No," I shook my head. 

"Yes," he nodded. 

I huffed, both of us falling into a staring contest. "No, but we can go out for breakfast in the morning and you can get ice cream then," I bargained. 

"Okay, fair deal," he smiled before kissing me. 

"Ethan," I chuckled against his lips, "Go to sleep." 

"But I can't stop kissing you," he mumbled against my lips. I pulled away while smiling and looked at him. He leaned in but I leaned back. He huffed.

"It's 2 am. You can kiss me tomorrow," I whispered. 

"But I don't want to wait till tomorrow," he groaned. 

"Well, patience is key," I laughed. 

"I don't need a key," he shrugged. 

"You..." I trailed off, staring at him. 

He lay there beside me, watching me with a grin that lit up his entire face. "What?" he chuckled. I didn't say anything but I did start smiling. "What?" he laughed, grabbing either side of my head, shaking it lightly. 

"Nothing," I whispered, softly shaking my head. 

"You're weird," he said, looking at me quizzically. I smiled, rubbing my eyes. "I like it," he grinned, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. 

"I didn't know you were into weirdos," I laughed. 

"Didn't you know? I've got a massive thing for weirdos. Especially this one," he chuckled, running his fingers through my hair. 

"Well, sorry. Weirdos only go out with weirdos," I scoffed. 

"Damn it," he mumbled. I looked at him and he was still grinning. 

"You can stop smiling now, it's getting creepy," I chuckled. 

"I can't stop smiling when I'm staring at you, you should have noticed, it's been going on for a while," he chuckled, grabbing my hand and holding our held hands up, comparing sizes. "Your hands are tiny," he smiled. 

"Your hands are huge," I argued. 

He rolled his eyes with a soft laugh, "Right, that's what it is." 


I woke up halfway through whatever was left of the night to my stomach hurting. I resisted making any noise and grabbed my phone, checking the date. "Great," I mumbled. I'm either about to get my period, or I've already got it. I turned to face Ethan and he was fast asleep, his arm draped over my waist, holding me in place. I sighed before slowly lifting his arm and slipping out of bed, tiptoeing to his bathroom. 

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