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Chapter 37: (Olivia's POV)

"Bye," I whispered while he leaned against my desk. He's sneaking out the window cause my parents are home tonight and we don't wanna wake them up. It's also midnight right now. 

"Bye," he whispered back. Nobody moved. 

"Bye, Ethan," I chuckled. 

"Bye, Olive." Nobody moved. 

"Okay, seriously. You have to go. Pick me up tomorrow morning for school, okay?" I asked. 

"I have to ask you something before I go," he said. 

"What?" I questioned, standing there while our hands were locked and he looked down at me. 

"Have you ever gotten lonely? I mean, with your parents gone all the time and stuff, don't you ever get lonely?" he asked hesitantly. 

I eyed him for a minute until it clicked. 

She told him. 

"Cher told you?" I inquired. He nodded softly. I rolled my eyes, slightly shaking my head, resting it on his shoulder. "Yes, it gets lonely. I used to feel a lot lonelier earlier, but I learned to cope with it," I mumbled, not looking up at him. 

"Why didn't you tell anyone? When you..." he trailed off. 

"Wanted to kill myself?" I asked, finally looking at him. "I was too scared and I didn't have anybody to tell. But weirdly enough, actually, out of the people in this world, I wanted to tell you. And we only ever argued back then," I scoffed. 

"You should have told me," he mumbled. 

"I didn't know you had a soft side until that day in my room when you were there for me while I panicked about having to leave this house," I retorted, "I told Sky. She's one of the only people that's sort of always stuck around. No one else ever did," I shrugged. 

"I will, you know that right?" he asked. 

I nodded slowly, "I know you will, Ethan," I whispered. "Now go, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I smiled. 

"I love you, Olivia, you don't have a middle name, Carrington," he chuckled. 

"You finally figured it out, Miles," I grinned, "Goodnight." 

"Goodnight," he replied before leaving. 

I was still standing at my window, grabbing onto the edge, getting ready to close it when he turned to me. "What?" I chuckled, leaning forward, ducking my head out. He bit his lip as if he were contemplating something before he crawled back out, throwing one leg out first before he came over to mine, hanging on but not coming inside. "What are you doing? If you fall, you'll-" 

"Shh," he said, silencing me. 

I raised my eyebrows at him, ducking under his arm to see the height. "Ethan, this is higher than you think, the fall is gonna hurt harder than you think, if you fall which, hopefully, you won't because if you do, I don't know what or how I'm gonna-" 

"You talk way too much," he mumbled, letting one hand go. 

"Ethan!" I shrieked. 

"Shh!" he hissed. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, grabbing onto his shirt just because it made me feel like I had a hold on him. Like I wouldn't let him fall. 

"I didn't kiss you goodnight," he whispered. 

"Are you insane? Seriously just for one-" 

He cut me off by grabbing the back of my neck and smashing his lips on mine. I got lost in the kiss until he pulled away. I stared at him, still in a whole different world in my head. "What were you saying?" he smirked. 

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