4. Two Weeks to Ask the Questions

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I had never felt more dread about the last school bell than  I did today.

Usually, that wonderful sound was met with happiness and excitement. But, nay, nay, not today; not for this girl. Even after the bell rang, I took my time putting back all the pens into my pencil case, carefully, one at a time.

I was already completely drained. For the entirety of the day, I had been followed by whispers and pointed fingers, and no matter how much I tried to ignore the stares I was getting, the stress had taken its toll.

And the worst was yet to come.

"Sky, you'll be fine! Seriously, what's the worst thing that can happen?" Mel rolled her eyes at me, tossing her colorful backpack over her shoulder with grace that I could never possess.

"Um, being trapped in a tin can on wheels with Noah Archer?" I did try to look at the silver lining of it all. Being in his car meant I could ask him questions, and he wouldn't have anywhere to escape to. Then again, I guess he could just toss me out on the side of the road. Maybe I should make it my mission to annoy him until he does just that?

"Oh yeah, having the guy all of the girls in school are crazy about drive you home. Sounds just awful. How ever will you make it out alive?" She laughed, and shook her head, obviously feeling zero amounts of compassion for her overwhelmed best friend.

"Not all of the girls," I muttered through clenched teeth and Mel let out a sigh.

"You know what I mean! Put your big girl pants on and face your new beau." Mel winked at me and started walking toward the door of the classroom.

"Don't call him tha--wait, you're leaving me?" I yelled after her in outrage and she just waved her hand in the air, not even bothering to turn around.

"Well, duh! I'll call you later, okay?"

And then there was one.

Walking down the now empty school hallways was nerve racking

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Walking down the now empty school hallways was nerve racking. The sound of my footsteps echoing against the stone as I got close and closer to the exit was almost ominous.

It was made that much worse since I knew what awaited once I crossed the threshold of the front door. Or rather, I had no idea what was waiting for me because I had never been in this situation before.

I knew this entire thing was my own fault. I wanted this. I did this.

So, just like Mel had said, it was time to put my big girl pants on and stop throwing myself a little pity party. I had a plan. Well, I kind of had a plan.

Sure, my initial plan didn't involve getting dropped off after school by Noah Archer but I was resourceful. I could adapt. Right?

Inhaling deeply, I grasped the handles and pushed the front door open.

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