7. Two Weeks to Change the World

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Suddenly, seconds felt like hours. Either that or Noah was driving purposefully slower than usual. It could have easily been a combination of both. He was humming a song that was playing from the radio, as I anxiously thrummed my fingers against my knees.

"So, what's the next question?" Might as well get something out of this eternal ride to school.

I saw his eyes widen a little but luckily, he kept his focus on the road. 

"Aren't you a little too eager?" There was amusement in his voice, as if I was just as much of an enigma to him as he was to me. Good, I didn't need him to know me.

Clicking my tongue, I muttered, "I just want to get through them all." And learn all your secrets.

As soon as the words left my lips, I regretted them. Perhaps I should have worded it differently. Maybe saying I was eager to get to know more about him would have sounded sexier. I'd been dating Noah for one day, and I was already becoming painfully aware of how much I absolutely sucked at dating. Probably should have read up on some seduction articles before I decided to date the most popular guy at school. I was coming across as more of a Nancy Drew than a Femme Fatale.

Suddenly, my torrent of self-deprecating thoughts was interrupted by loud laughter.

Noah was laughing at me. Even though I had fully expected him to be annoyed at my antsy behavior. What was wrong with this guy?

"You do know this isn't an exam, right? I'm not gonna grade you at the end of it." He glanced at me and shook his head, seemingly enjoying my odd behavior.

"Aren't you though?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he threw a confused glance at me, "Your little questions test had only two grade though, pass or fail. You're either in love, or you're not. Or am I wrong?"

Noah's lips quirked up, his eyebrows raising in the air. He threw another look at me, and tapped his fingers on the wheel, "When you put it like that, I guess you're right, Fox."

A surprising sense of accomplishment spread through me at hearing that, even though I already knew I was right, and didn't need his praise. So, then why did it feel so good to get it?

Shaking my head, I narrowed my eyes at him. My will-power was stronger than his charm, and I wasn't going to let myself be swayed by it.

"So, what's the next question?" I asked again, crossing my hands over my chest.

Noah let out a long sigh, realizing that I wasn't giving up, "Fine. We'll do only one though." He said, and tilted his head, "Would you like to be famous, and in what way?"

After he asked the question, I stayed quiet. When a few more moments passed, Noah glanced at me and frowned, "Well?"

"Well, I answered the last question first so now it's your turn." I replied, raising an eyebrow.

Noah just chuckled and nodded in response, "Fair."

Then he went quiet, as if he was trying to frame the answer in his head, "I'd like to be famous for my music."

Surprising. Mainly because I had no idea he was interested in music or knew how to play an instrument. Based on the little I did know about him, he seemed more like the scientific approach guy. But then again, I did know very little about him.

"I thought you were into science," I muttered, unable to filter out my thoughts.

"I am." He gave a curt reply. Not that I deserved a better one for that stupid comment.

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