Chapter 10: He's Mine!

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As promised, a tailor really did showed up at the front door. The woman who looked like she was in her 20s giving off a professional aura as she stood at the entrance. My first impression of her was that she was very neat. Everything about her from her hair that was tied into a bun to her suit was fitted nicely onto her. Sister Margeret welcomed her into the guestroom but she declined.

"I won't intrude for long." She turned to me and bowed. "My name is Penny Fay. You can just call me Penny. I am the Madam Isabella Vieira's assistant and I am here to take your measurements, Miss Astria."

After introductions, she pulled out a measuring instrument from her bag and a booklet to write down measurements. She then asked me some questions about my preference but I was too overwhelmed by her professionalism I forgot what I answered. Without wasting anytime, she scribbled all the details into the booklet, cleaned up all the tools and bid farewell.

Both Sister Margeret and I stood at the entrance, dumbfounded by how quick she works.


The rest of the days were fairly peaceful. I learned a lot more vocabulary from the sisters' tutoring and I've also been getting used with the chores.

I have also been secretly trying out my magic. I would try them out on wilting flowers in the garden (with Mika's help). It feels quite amazing to see magic manifest in my palms and the flower slowly regaining its color. They looked like a clump of glitter floating around. Is this how El*a from Fr*zen feels when she was using her magic powers?

However, there was one thing bugging me--Blanche has been acting weird.

Before, she would be the first one jumping in for a hug or inviting me to play with her. Now, she rarely talks to me and when she sees me, she would ignore me or turn the other way. I thought that she had grown bored of me since that is how children act in my opinion, but then this happened.

At night, as I was done with brushing my teeth and ready to go to bed, I saw that Blanche's mini duke doll had fallen onto the ground beside her bed. She must've accidentally dropped it while rushing to the bathroom since she would always take good care of it. I picked it up and patted the dust off of it. Looking at the mini duke doll once again reminded me of his awful threat and I almost wanted to get one just so I could punch it when I feel stressed out.

As I was lost in thought, doll still in my hand, Blanche also returned from the bath room. When she saw the doll in my hands, her face turned pale with anger.

"Blanche, you're back. I was just cleaning the dust-" Before I could finish the sentence, she darted towards me and snatched the doll out of my hands.

"Don't touch him! He's mine!" She shouted. I've never seen her so enraged before. 

What could possibly made her to act like this? I kept thinking of it while scribbling on the ground with a stick in the small garden at the corner. Corwin was just on the other side watering the flowers.

A single orange leaf fell from above and landed on my dirt scribbles.

I looked up and sighed. Autumn is almost coming to an end huh......

As I was wishing for things to be as peaceful, I heard crying from nearby. Corwin and I rushed towards the sound and saw Blanche and another girl on the ground with tears trickling down her cheeks. Blanche, on the other hand, had a panicked expression. 

"I-It's not Blanche's fault! It's because you're trying to take the duke away from me!" Her outburst seemed more like she's convincing herself rather than us. 

"What happened?" I asked while Corwin checked the other girl. When she saw us, she froze up for a moment and quickly ran away. It's no use trying to get answers from someone who doesn't want to talk. I followed Corwin and crouched beside the crying girl.

It seemed she had fallen down and scraped her knee. Though the wound didn't look serious, it must've felt painful.

"Let me." I asked Corwin to move aside, and I tried to concentrate. I chanted softly following what Astria did in her memories and soon after, the wound closed up and stopped bleeding, as if nothing had happened.

The child slowly stopped crying until she was just sniffling. Corwin patted her head gently and asked what I asked just now, "What happened? Did you guys get into a fight?"

"N-no, I just wanted to play with Blanche's doll. But when I t-tried to hold it, she p-pushed me away and I fell." The girl explained as her voice trembles. Her eyes once again filled up with tears. "Blanche is a m-meanie! I don't wanna be her f-friend anymore!"

While Corwin tried to comfort her, we heard someone trotting towards us from behind. It was Dr. Quinn. He took a moment to catch his breath and pushed his glasses.

"Just now, Blanche told me there's a girl who got hurt. Did you see her?" He panted.

"Doctor! Ria healed me just now! With magic!" The girl stood up and twirled around. "I'm fine now, see!"

"Magic you say?" His eyes widened and turned to me, "You can use magic, Astria?"

I didn't know how to answer so I just nodded. He seemed even more surprised.

"B-But I think she still needs a look, Dr. Quinn." The more he stares at me, the weirder it feels. I quickly pushed the girl into his arms and I ran off just like Blanche.

What's going on with Blanche......

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