Chapter 20: Brooch

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I examined the statue on the middle.

I've seen the art of the statue of the goddess in the game several times but now that it's actually real and in front of me, it feels kinda unreal.

Of course, every depiction of the statue is different. For example, the one I saw in the game was hooded and had wings while this one was just a beautiful woman praying.

Some kids had gotten tired from walking through the crowd so we decided to take a rest around the fountain while some other kids went to visit the stalls nearby, including me with an adult accompanying us.

While we walked around, a stall that sold jewelry caught my eye.

I was never wore much jewelry in my previous life because they were a luxury and naturally, I became disinterested with them, considering them as nothing more than shiny stones. However, the reason I was attracted by the stall was because a brooch that was on display had a jewel that had the same color as the duke's eyes.

I took a closer look and realized there was something more inside the jewelry. Like some sort of sparkly dust moving inside.

"See anything you like, deary?" I was instantly pulled back to reality from the shopkeeper's voice. She was an old woman with grey hair and wore a brown cloak.

"This one is very pretty." I complimented, pointing to the yellow quartz brooch.

"Oh, you have a fine eye there, young lady." The old woman chuckled. "Where are your parents?"

I shook my head and she gasped as she looked at me with pity in her eyes. You don't have to, lady. I don't remember them either, or rather, Astria doesn't remember them.

"Oh, you poor child. I'm sorry." She took the brooch out and gestured me to go nearer to her. She then pinned it to my chest. "It suits you well!"

She then gave me a mirror and she was right. The brooch does goes well with Astria. It had a simple design, with gold frames wrapping around a gemstone that was the color of the duke's eye. It was no bigger than the size of a hazelnut. I wonder if the duke would like this.

Oh, am I really thinking about buying him a gift? Well, I guess it's only fair since he gave me these gloves. But how am I suppose to pay for this? I don't have money with me.

When I was about to take it off and return it to the old lady, she stopped me and said, "You can keep it. You don't have to pay."

"I cannot take this!"

What is with people randomly giving out expensive stuff?! What culture is this??

I flustered, trying to take it off and return it to her but she stopped me. I looked at her as she smiled gently.

"That old thing has been collecting dust for years now. No one's ever noticed it until you came along, little lady. Just take it. I guess it must be some kind of fate that you noticed it."

I pursed my lips and wanted to compensate her with something. I suddenly got an idea and started taking off my gloves.

"Here, lady. You can sell these!" I pushed the gloves in her hand and smiled. Hopefully they're worth more than the brooch. "May Her light shine upon and protect you."

After I gave her the blessing, I ran away before she could return those gloves to me. I felt some guilt because I was giving away the duke's gift for me so easily but he did say I can do whatever I want with it.

I took a deep breath from running and then realized something.

Where am I?

I stared into the crowd. I haven't been to this part of the town yet so I don't recognize the directions. Since all the stalls looked almost the same, decorated in white, I couldn't find my way back by following them. I knew I was lost. It was moments like these that I wish I was taller.

What in the main character plot is this?

If I were the main character, this is the time when a shining knight in armor would come to my rescue and we would go on a date around the festival.

The problem is, I'm not. And I haven't met any male leads yet.

I shouldn't be alone, especially when children have gone missing so frequently. The more I think about it, the more nervous I got. I decided to ask directions from the people around and when I was about to do so, someone grabbed my shoulder from behind. I instinctively smacked the arm away and turned around. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. 

"Dr. Quinn?" I gasped.

"Astria?" He looked equally as shocked. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm lost......" I admitted, feeling embarrassed. Even though it was normal for a child to run around, I'm still an adult inside. My pride as an adult was a little hurt knowing I was bad with directions.

"Good thing I found you. Let's take you back to the others." He took my hand and we both started walking.

I realized we were walking towards the exit of the festival where less people were crowding. I started to feel uneasy.

"Where are we going, Dr. Quinn?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh, maybe we can find them at the exit, just to be sure." He explained.

The uneasiness was growing more in me but I brushed it off.

"Where are your gloves? Your hand is freezing." He asked. I tried to think of an excuse but I realized something.

I didn't have gloves with me after I met him. Normal people would be asking why I wasn't wearing instead of where the gloves are. How did he know I was wearing them?

Has he been watching me since just now?

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