Chapter - 17

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Chris's POV:

Williams mansion, New York.

"Sir, because young master Blake's has less understanding on basic. So, I thought him basic for this whole week in every subject." Said the caretaker. I spent most of my time with my son this week and followed his work closely. Turns out in his all subjects he can't even understand the basics. So, I order the caretaker to teach him the basics because it's the foundation for future studies.

"Good, make sure. Make sure to complete all his homework's and at the same time prepare a weekly test for him every week. I want his progress weekly. Make sure to teach him properly." I said to the caretaker and butler who was present with her.

"Yes, sir." Said the caretaker and left.

"Tell the cook to make light foods for Blake at dinner times. He also has a morning class. So, let him eat light foods." I ordered the butler which he nods and left the office room.

At dinner time,

"Blake, make sure to study hard. Dad will take you to swim this Sunday and go shopping." I said to Blake. Who was eating silently ever since the fight with the school? He talks less with me during this week.

I understand that he hates me for what happened to Rachel. Because, after I told him the truth. He became silent.

"No, I will go to David's house on Sunday." He tells looking at me and rejecting the plan. David is his best friend in school.

"But, don't you love to go out with me. Come on Blake, I will buy you desserts." I try to tempt him with desserts. I want to spend most of my time with Blake. And there is no Natalie and I think he's his missing mom figure now.

"No, Dad." There it is not daddy but dad. " I promised him to go to his house." He said without looking at me.

He's not just become silent with me but also with everyone. He didn't throw any fit or show any dissatisfaction. He even studies hard with no complaint. Which I am worried about, caretaker and butler also tell me the same. Maybe, I think it affected him mentally. He talks very little to me and does even does not talk anything extra. I don't know what to do. Even, when Natalie called him he spoke very little and did not mention or call mom.

I'm sure Natalie noticed but I think she didn't care or wait to come home to look deal with it. She will come home in 3 days I think.

"Okay, Blake. You have a language class on Saturday evening. Hope you learn well." I said with my saddened face. I don't know how to talk to him or cheer him up.

I know to find Rachel. But, before that, I need to clear my head.

I miss her. If she was here I didn't need to care about this and all. She will tell me everything about Blake herself. I'm straying to my her. I need her to be by my side. But, I know that's not possible.

"Okay." With that, he continued eating. If this keeps on I need to get help for him. I don't want him to be mentally affected. He not even watches tv or play games.

I'm really worried about Blake. It's my fault he's suffering like this. But, Natalie also is at the fault. I can't help but blame her.


It's been a week since everything happened. I thought a lot this time. Most, of my work, was handled by my assistant and I do only important work. And cleared all my meetings and busied myself. I reflected on everything this week.

I know it's my fault in it. The women I loved, betrayed my trust. I thought she loved my son Blake, thought that she will take care of him better than me, I thought she cared for Blake and thought as her son, thought that she will love and care for him better than Rachel.

But, no she did not. She simply left him to the caretaker and butler. Not, cared if she was there for Blake. Not care if he did his best in school and behaved well in school.

I also learned from the butler that Natalie spent less time with him and did not bond with him. And that too mostly at dinner or going out as a family only Natalie talked to him. It's different from how they were close before the divorce.

Before, the divorce. Natalie and Blake spent more time with each other and talked a lot and shared things between them. Even, they kept secrets between them and were inseparable. I thought at the time Blake loved Natalie more than Rachel his mother. And I thought Natalie is best suited to be a mother for Blake than Rachel. At the time even Blake and Rachel didn't have this kind of closeness and bonding between them.

But, no after my divorce from Rachel. They were not close as before and Natalie started to spend less time with Blake. Even not dropping him in school and picking him up as usual which Natalie would do or shopping or going out together.

It got even less after my marriage to Natalie. I already know at the time, I just thought it was because after my marriage with her she started working in her father's company and I thought she was busy and tired to spend more time with Blake like me. And later it was even less than before because she can't convince which I thought she was under stress and Natalie even told me that she wanted a baby with me and she was stressed at the time. That's why she went on 2 weeks vacation to Miami this time.

But, it looks like that was not the case. She did love Blake. Only, for being with me and to divorce Rachel I think she acted as she loved Blake like a mother and even planned with my mother to plant lies on Blake so that, he would hate Rachel and their plan worked.

At that time I felt something wrong why suddenly Blake would hate Rachel his mother so bad. But, I was blinded and chose not to care. It's my damn fault there. At the time I chose to ignore it and didn't care.

I did so much for Natalie even divorced Rachel for her. I loved her, trusted her, cared for her, compromised for her. I even, forgive her for cheating on me at that time and helped her get over break up with her ex-boyfriend. Even, did many things just to make her happy and love her.

And this is how she repays me? Good, I will let her know what happens if she betrays my trust. All, my anger is on her.

I'm fu*king mad they lied to Blake. I can't forgive this. I can't forget what Natalie and mom did to Blake. If I see her, I want to slap her and tell them why the fu*k she broke my trust and how can she lie to Blake a child. At that time Blake was too young for lies and schemes they both did.

Me cheating on Rachel is another thing and they used my son to break the relationship with Rachel is unforgivable.

I hate for myself for trusting mom and Natalie. I don't like being used by them.

I tried to talk with my sister Emma. But, because of her hatred towards me, she blocked me. Even, if I go and see her will not see me. I know her temper and I don't want to hear her saying 'I told you, idiot'. She warned me many times and advised me much time.

But, I need to clear my mind and want to share with someone who listens and help me think straight. The one thing I did right was to keep good friends. I can trust them.

So, I called Ethan to my condo in the city. To share with him.


Hi, guys next part will be updated tomorrow.

Do let me know what you think about this chapter.

Sorry for the wait.

Thank you for reading.

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