Graceful Battle Maidens

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"Ugh!" Lulu groaned, slumped over as she and her sisters were walking home from the park. She had shoulder-length, brown hair. Today her long bangs were clipped in a crisscross type pattern on top of her head. Lulu always liked trying new hairstyles; some days it was actually pretty cute, other days however, it was.....uh....not so cute. But never the less, she always had to be different. Being just like everyone else was just too boring! "It's sooo freakin' hot today! I can't wait for these next few months to be over and the temperature goes down," She whined.

Mira looked over at her sister, who was being dramatic as usual. Mira had long brown hair, just a little lighter than both of her sisters; but unlike her sister Lulu, Mira usually kept her hair pulled back in a ponytail, braided, or in a neat bun. Today it happened to be braided. Simple. But it was nice on her. "Lulu, in a few months it'll be cold, then you're just going start wishing it was summer again." Mira said to Lulu, who at this point was desperately fanning herself with her hands as if the sun was absolutely killing her. Mira looked away, smiling and shaking her head at how Lulu was acting.

The third sister, Rena, cut her eyes to the right. "I don't know about y'all, but I certainly CAN wait for this month to be over," she protested. She also had brown hair. Hers was a short bob-cut with her medium- length bangs parted in the center. Her hair went down to her neck in the back and the front was long enough to touch her shoulders. She made a face like she had just tasted something awful. "The sooner this month is over, the sooner school starts."

Mira looked at Rena slightly annoyed, "School isn't all that bad, Rena." Rena crossed her arms and looked away. She hated school. She absolutely hated it with a burning passion. She wished that her father would let her drop out. But no! Education is a privilege. She couldn't believe that some people actually liked going and after they graduated, would pay thousands to continue their education. Mira was one of those that wanted to continue. She had just graduated and was ecstatic about starting college.

"Easy for you to say, Mira," Rena sneered, "at least people were nice to you." The main thing Rena hated about school was the kids. She felt like everyone disliked her for some reason. Whenever she told Lulu that, Lulu would always tell her that maybe she was just thinking too hard about it and that she should give the other kids a chance.

Rena and Mira got along pretty well for sisters, occasionally they would argue, but they both could talk to Lulu about anything. Even though Lulu tended to be silly and dramatic, her sisters were her best friends and they meant a lot to her. When they would come to her, she didn't always know what to say to help them, but she would always listen and pay attention to what they said. And that meant a lot to them.

"People weren't always nice to me either, Rena," Mira replied, a bit irritated that her sister would say something like that. They were both pretty shy, and nothing gave more pleasure to some teenagers than to humiliate and pick at shy people, because of the simple fact that shy people wouldn't stand up for themselves.

Lulu was walking in the middle of her sisters. She turned to Rena and hugged her. "Don't you worry, Rena!" Lulu all but shouted, "This year I get to go to school with you!" Lulu stood in front of her sister, placed her hands on Rena's shoulders, and looked in her eyes, "If anybody messes with you I'll be darned if they don't regret it!" Lulu sounded as though she was just being silly, but she was pretty serious this time. She hated seeing innocent kids being tormented by bullies and she sure as heck wasn't going to tolerate kids being mean to her older sister.

Rena smiled at her sisters' statement. She knew that her sister cared, but she also knew her sister wouldn't be able to be there for her all the time. They didn't have any classes together, or even the same lunch hour. In fact, the only time her sister would be there was on the bus. She let out a sigh as they continued walking home. Mira looked at Lulu who appeared to be relieved since the sun had almost gone down and it was cooling off now. She smiled and shook her head again. Gotta love 'em, she thought to herself as they started to walk up their drive way.

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