Chapter 1

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~ April 2021, Fort Valley Georgia~

Hey, I'm Faith Andersen! I'm 19 and taking classes at Fort Valley University in Fort Valley Georgia. I haven't decided on a major yet but so far I'm really enjoying my English and Psychology courses!

Today, I'm walking out of my college campus after all my classes have finished and decide to spend some time in the Commons Courtyard. The Commons Courtyard is where most sophomores spend the most time. It's beautiful with twinkling lights covering the right wall of the entrance and a huge fountain in the middle of the area with stone around it where students can sit and study. There are multiple trees around the campus but I personally think the best-looking trees are here.

But to my surprise when I get there, I see a loose Boston Terrier sitting there patiently, almost as if she's waiting for me.

I walk over to her and start petting her gently, "Hey, girl. I'm Faith." I say softly to which she returns the kind gesture by licking my wrist and her ears lay back comfortably. I continue talking to her sweetly, "It's okay, how are you?" "Do you have a name?" "Oh, of course, you can't speak, I'm sorry." I notice she has no tags, collar, nothing. But I still offer to her to go and play with her, "You wanna go play in that fountain over there?"

She accepts happily, "Yeah, you like that idea?" I confirm with her. She accepts again and waits for me before running towards the fountain.

I sit down near the edge of the fountain and watch her play in the water and try to catch the water that is shooting up from the fountain. After playing for a little while, she gets tired, and she runs and leaps into my lap to snuggle before taking a short nap while I choose to look through my phone.

How is she here? Is she missing? I think to myself. It's difficult for me to believe she's actually available she's so sweet she must have a sweet owner.

When she wakes up from her nap, I scoop her up in my arms and walk into the nearest student union to get us both something to eat.

I spot a coffee station inside the corner of the student area and choose to head in that direction first.

The server inside the coffee station looks at me disapprovingly since I'm carrying a dog to which I answer,

"I'm sorry I know there are no pets allowed, I'm actually looking for her owner, so if you see them please let them know I have her and she's safe." I say.

"Will do, thanks." the server says kindly.

"Thank you..." I say with a warm smile.

"What will it be?" the server asks me.

"A medium vanilla coffee and uh you have a dog treat?" I laugh lightly as I ask.

"Yeah, sure... here, give this to her and your coffee will be right up." the server says.

"Thank you..." I say before taking the coffee and giving the dog the treat.

After I pick up the coffee and the dog has had her treat, I walk over to a seat in the corner of the student building.

I sit down for a second to start drinking my coffee before walking back outside the student building with the dog in my arms.

I find my way back to my housing building and finally let her go. She stays right by my side, I immediately notice how she's so loyal, which makes me think something tells me this dog is different than the rest.


I finish my coffee while looking at my phone again and the dog is keeping my toes warm.

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