Chapter 29 - Damage Control

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Georgia's POV

I peek through the blinds watching as John Luke strides quickly through the parking lot and jumps into a new Chevy truck before slamming the door closed. I hope he gets the message I'm trying to send him. I'm not doing this on purpose, baby. Please understand. Just get Scarlett out of here until I can figure out a plan.

He looks up in my direction, turns the key to start his ignition, and squeals off out of the parking lot. I turn and plop down on my sofa with my head in my hands. God, I don't know what to do. I'm about to lose everything I love for a man I despise, Not Mitch - but Lester Harrington. The name in itself makes my skin crawl. What a selfish piece of shit!

A few moments later, I hear a knock at the door. I quickly jump up and look through the peephole; it's Mitch and an older gentleman I've not been acquainted with yet. I furiously open the door. "What is it?!"

Both come barreling through the door into the entry. "Hey, wait a minute Mitch. What the hell are you doing? Who is this guy?"

Mitch turns towards me with an exasperated look. "You let him in the apartment, so now I gotta do damage control and bring you back to Gulfport with me."

"What do you mean? He's my child's father. Do you honestly expect him not to be around? We have a child together!" I say defensively.

He throws his hands up and walks towards the window. "I get it, but I'm not the one you should be worried about. Dad is on a rampage!"

I cross my arms in front of my chest. "And that's my problem, how?"

"Are you honestly going to ask me that? Did you not hear what my father told you yesterday? He will stop at nothing Georgia! Don't you think this situation sucks for me too?" he asks while pacing the floors.

Irritated, I approach him. "Well, I don't think you understand the predicament you have put me in, Mitch. I have a child, and she needs me. I just had to send her off to stay with her Father. She hasn't spent any time away from me except while I'm at work. Now you want me to drop everything and go to Gulfport? What about my life here? Does that not mean anything to you people?"

He takes a deep breath. "Listen, Georgia. You need to come with me because if you don't, my Father will return and drag you out kicking and screaming; trust me when I say you will not like it one bit. He's letting me take the reins with you because I begged him to. Even though I'm gay, I love you dearly, and I don't want anything to happen to you or Scarlett." He says apologetically.

"God, Mitch! This sucks so much! I can't be away from my baby girl. You know my family is going to try to hunt me down. What am I going to do about work?" I ask frantically.

He stands with a blank expression for a moment. "You will need to put a sign up that says temporarily closed."

"What about Olive? What about going out and trying to drum up business? I need to do that to stay afloat." I question while pacing the floors.

"Just stop worrying. I'll wire you some money to pay bills. Whatever you need." He says as he gently grabs my shoulders.

"I will need to pay Olive until I get back, so she doesn't quit on me. I need her, Mitch." I tell him tearfully.

"Fine, let's just go, please? You can call her on the way and let her know. Tell her there is a gas leak in the office, and it's getting fixed, and you will pay her until the office is ready to open." He instructs.

"God, I'm so annoyed right now," I exclaim as I reluctantly stomp over to my desk drawer, pull out a piece of paper and write that the office is temporarily closed and the number to call. "How many days will I be in Gulfport?"

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu