Chapter 3: A Godly Escort

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/Chapter 3: A Godly Escort/

"Mmm an escort?" Aphrodite asked.

"Not that kind of escort," Percy said, quickly.

/Percy turned with his sword still out as the twelve-year-old girl approached him. He could immediately tell this was not a child and knew better than to let his guard down.

"Put down your weapon Perseus. Now." The girl said sternly.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "You think I am that foolish. I don't know you and I know you are no child."

The girl's lips quirked into an amused smirk, "I am your friend Perseus, you just do not remember me."

Percy eyed the being before him warily as the words of his mother crept into is mind, 'be wary of my half-sister Artemis, she is no friend of men. She will appear as a young silver-eyed girl but she is not to be trusted.'

Percy shook his head, "No, you are not my friend. My mother warned me about you long ago and said I was to keep my distance from you Lady Artemis."

Artemis' eyes widened before she scowled, "I was not asking you to put your weapon down; I am telling you to put it down. Now!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Please forgive me Lady Artemis but I enjoy being a fully intact male. So if it's all the same to you, I will just be on my way."

Artemis narrowed her eyes, "That would not be wise Perseus. If you wish to ever see Zoe again, you will come with me."

Percy's eyes widened as memories flashed through his head, all moving too fast for him to know what they meant before he dropped to his knees clutching his head painfully as his vision began to darken and he felt himself losing consciousness./

Persephone looked a little worried for her son.

/Percy felt himself wake to the sound of a fire crackling beside him. Memories of his fight with Lycaon and his encounter with the goddess flooded back into his mind as his eyes darted around before trying to jump to his feet. Before he could, a child-sized foot was pressed firmly to his chest pinning him to the ground. Percy panicked and his instincts took over as he smacked the back of the goddess' leg before spinning and sweeping her legs out from under her and knocking her onto her back as he jumped back to his feet.

"Damn it Perseus, wait." Artemis said from her back as Percy started to slowly back away from her./

"Can't keep up?" Percy smirked.

Artemis rolled her eyes.

/Percy continued backing away, "I don't know what I did to offend you Lady Artemis but I am sorry. I am just trying to get to the camp Lupa told me about."

Artemis groaned in annoyance, "Perseus, I swear on the River Styx that we are friends and I am here to help you. You simply do not remember me because your memory was wiped."/

Thunder boomed.

/Thunder boomed loudly overhead making Percy freeze in his tracks. He looked the goddess questioningly but only received a glare in response.

"Why don't I have my memories? Who took them?" He demanded.

Artemis glared at Percy before sighing; she waved her and conjured up two chairs for them to sit in. Percy eyed the goddess warily as he slowly made his way to the chair across from the one Artemis sat in.

"Why are you helping me? I am a boy and my parents told me you despise them." Percy asked suspiciously./

Aphrodite scoffed. "Please, as if that would stop her," she said.

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