↳ everything's wrong - J.R

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"hey boys." i said in a sing-song voice, as i entered the sway house living room with starbucks drinks in my hand.

"you brought us food?" bryce asked, jumping off the sofa and advancing towards me as if i were prey.

i stifled a chuckle, pursing my lips together and flipping bryce off, with my free hand.

"you wish. i brought food for josh and i." i confirmed, watching the small smile on bryce's face morph into a frown. i loved annoying him. it was like my hobby at this point.

"hey babe." i said, shifting my attention to josh, who was currently sprawled on the living room couch with his phone practically glued to his eyes.

i dropped the paper bag with the croissants on his stomach and gave him a quick peck on the forehead as he replied with a soft smile, his eyes still gazing at his phone, not even peeking a glance at me.

"hey what're you doing?" i asked letting my curiosity get the best of me as he finally looked at me his eyebrows furrowed and a sigh leaving his lips as i frowned at his reaction.

"uhm what's wrong?" i questioned again, his mildly angered expression slowly deepening.

"he's extremely high." blake called out from behind. i assumed he was talking about josh, since josh's stare left mine as he glared at blake with nothing but venom.

"even if you're high that doesn't give you the right to act so bitchy towards me." i defended myself. i wasn't going to get treated like shit from no man. all i did was get him food and ask him if something was up. he didn't have to display his anger at me like that.

"shut up nessa." he blurted out out of nowhere. as soon as the words left his mouth we both went stiff, the atmosphere around us suddenly becoming eerie. he seemed to realise his mistake as his eyes widened at me, both of us just staring at each other with shocked expressions on our faces.

"oh fuck no." i muttered under my breath, my eyes pricking with tears. i wasn't going to stand here getting called by his ex's name who he was seen hanging out alone with last week. i knew something was up when tiktokroom posted about them being together all night but of course i never listen.

before he could even say anything i quickly exited the big living room, the boys quietly staring at us, not uttering a single word. their widened eyes observed the situation with anticipation as i rolled my eyes at their childishness. yes, i loved them but holy shit could they be dumb as fuck. it surprised me how my brother, bryce didn't jump at josh beating the living shit out of him. i wondered if he even cared for his little sister. but obviously my thoughts were clouded because i knew bryce did care for me a lot.

"wait. no, mel hold up." josh exclaimed, footsteps following behind mine, as i raged out of the house, sliding my car keys out of my pocket in such anger that i dropped it on the concrete ground.

he took the chance to speed upto me, grabbing my arms and making me look up at him. i felt the urge to hit him but held it inside, waiting for him to talk. i wanted to believe that what i heard was nothing but a false. i wanted him to justify himself. however i knew that there was no justification to what he just did.

"nessa. really josh?" i asked, as he said nothing but stared at in shock. his eyes were bloodshot probably from all the drugs, and sweat beads slowly formed on his forehead.

"nessa? the girl who you were hanging out with a few days back right?" i asked again. he softly let go of my hand, as i pulled it back towards me as if i were repulsed by his touch.

"did you fuck her that night?" i asked, putting emphasis on my words so that he knew exactly which night i was referring to.

my mind went back to a few nights ago when tiktokroom had posted a picture of nessa and josh hand in hand together entering nessa's apartment after being seen dining together at boa. i didn't want to doubt him then but i sure did now.

"we're done." i stated, watching him finally open his mouth to speak.

"because of this? mel you can't be serious." he chuckled dryly, a hint of nervousness present in his voice. a crease formed betwixt his eyebrows and i felt my whole world shatter.

"no. because first, you use me to get closer to bryce. then, you never have my back whenever anybody says shit about me. then, you get high all the time. then, you probably fuck nessa behind my back? then, you call me by her name? yeah no, i think those reasons should suffice." i smiled at him. but my smile was far from genuine. it was evil. it mocked his words, and displayed my sadness at the same time.

"and i swear to fucking god josh. if you dare talk shit about me on that podcast of yours. i will ruin your social life." i spat at him, letting go of all the hate i felt at the moment.

keeping my stare with him, i picked up the keys from the ground and turned around, walking away towards my car. i assumed he'd call out to me or something but no. he did nothing. he did nothing as i drove away. he did nothing to stop me.

but then again. i expected nothing either. he was who he was. and i hated that i fell in love with a coward.

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