【65】Sweet Revenge

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"What the fuck happened?" Lex asked with a menacing voice

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"What the fuck happened?" Lex asked with a menacing voice.

"I'm sorry, I just lost control."

"What was it? Did he insult you?"

"Yes, but that wasn't it. I really tried to hold back, but when he started talking about you, I lost it," I explained, tears prickling into my eyes. "Please, don't be mad at me."

Lex's anger faded instantly, and remorse appeared in his eyes. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him. I know you well enough to know he certainly deserved that slap." I sighed with relief, reassured to know his anger wasn't targeted at me. He was still dangerously pissed, though.

"What did he say to you?"

"He called you a freak and a—" I stopped talking, not only refusing to say the despicable word myself but also to reveal the truth to Lex. I couldn't tell him how low his father thought of him. It was too wrong and too hurtful. "He said terrible things about you, Lex. I couldn't bear it."

"Did one of those awful things start with an 'R'?" Lex questioned. Surprised that he'd guess so easily, nodded. "It's not the first time, nor will it be his last."

"Lex, that's awful. How can you be okay with your own father treating you that way?"

"I guess I'm used to it. He would tell me to be normal, that I was a freak, that he was cursed for having three daughters and a mentally challenged son... You'll get used to it too. After a while, it all blends into the same shit."

I sent my hand over my mouth to hide the way I gasped. Holy fuck, the man was Satan himself. More tears gathered into my eyes, and one rolled down my cheek. Coming closer, Lex wrapped his strong arms around me, comforting me in his steady and familiar embrace.

"I can't do it, baby. I can't ever get used to it and be cool with this. I'm sorry, I'll just stay away from your parents altogether. I'm not compatible with them."

"That makes two of us, then."

His unexpected touch of humor made me giggle against his chest. Pushing me away by the shoulders, he looked down at me, wiping a tear with the pad of this thumb.

"How can you even stand being in the same room as him?" I asked.

He hesitated, his brow frowned with uncertainty. "I own him," he revealed. It didn't make any sense, and my perplexity was obvious.

"Early on, when we were struggling to get the funds for Kelex, I developed an algorithm that studies the stock market and acts accordingly. I put a hundred grands on it and let it do its thing. It analyzes the fluctuations of the stocks, the news, the market... anything relevant. It constantly buys inflating stocks and sells the ones that are lowering, to make as much money as it can. Eventually, when it had earned more than I could ever need for Kelex, I programmed it to buy stock from Coleman Inc. It constantly generates money so it can spend it on that."

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