Six-What's your poison?

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What's your poison?

I couldn't believe I was saying this considering I hate teen slang despite being a teen, but the party was literally lit af and temporarily relieved my mind of what I just discovered about hot guy next door

From the hour drive up to the party located in what Alex said was the Hollywood Hills aka the Hills, where all the best parties took place, we could see the sparkling neon lights shooting up into the sky from miles away.

As we got closer, we could hear the techno pop music blasting where the neon lights were.

"Whoa, no one is going to call the cops for the noise level?" I asked because it sounded more like a concert than a high school house party.

"Hun, this is the Hills. We own the cops." Alex snickered. "Plus, the houses up this way are spread really far apart so it's not really likely that a neighbor would complain if they were home that is. Most of these homes are celebrity owned which means they are probably not."

I could tell with how massive each extravagant home we passed which were all at the top of the hill, and they were all guarded by large wrought iron gates.

When we reached the party, the gate was open, but there was a line of cars which were mostly Lamborghinis, Range Rovers, and Teslas on either side of the driveway path, so Alex ended up parking on the side of the road with the less expensive cars.

As we travelled by foot up the long drive, I realized this definitely had the upper east side beat by miles and understood why people said New York was for people who loved clubs and lounges while LA was for people who loved house parties (well at least the elite house parties in the Hills).

There were a good bit of people outside waiting to get in or lounging out on the patio steps smoking out of colorful bongs. I thought we were going to have to wait like the rest but somehow Alex managed to get us all the way to the front with no problem as a brown skinned tall and burly guy in a letterman jacket who I guessed was the school bouncer, motioned for us to come forward.

"Hey Alex, its about time you showed up. A party just ain't a party until you arrive." He muttered as she hugged him.

"So true, Quake." She gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him really perk up.

"Save me a dance?"

"You know it."

"And what about me?" Brick yelled from behind us.

"You can fall back in line with the others." He spoke very seriously which made me confused for a moment since Brick was also a jock.

They then both laughed at the same time and did a secret handshake and nudged each other.

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