Villains Shouldn't Underestimate Problem Children

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Pink fog started to flow everywhere and Izuku was suspicious. He's never seen this before so he deduced something must be wrong. He walked to the back of his cave, towards a narrow passage that led up to another cave. Squeezing through, he moved a rock away from the entrance to the other cave to see Kota.

Marching over, Izuku sat down next to him. "Thanks for the clothes," he said and Kota gave him a small hug.

"Huh, I don't see you two on the list. Guess I'll have to kill you."

Izuku whipped his head at the unfamiliar man. Kota's eyes went wide and he buried his head into Izuku's embrace. "Th-th-that's..."

"Muscular at your service."


Bakugou didn't know what went wrong. First, there was pink smoke knocking everyone out. 

Now there was some crazy-as-fuck villain trying to eat them. And now he knew that they wanted to kidnap him. What he thought of it all?

Fuck this shit.

"Fleeesssshhhhh. I want your flesh!" the villain said as his teeth elongated and shot towards them.

"Shit!" Bakugou said as he raised his hands and started exploding it. Icyhot was making some barrages to protect them and occasionally shooting out blasts of ice and fire.

"Now what the fuck do we do?" Bakugou growled, looking at Icyhot.

Icyhot didn't answer. Instead, he looked forward at an incoming Shoji and Asui. Asui was being held by Shoji, who's arms kept distracting a large and angry black mass.

Bakugou's eyes widened. It was Tokoyami, out of control. He pulled Shoji and Asui to the side as Dark Shadow slammed into Moonfish.

Moonfish's teeth shattered like toothpicks and flew back to a tree, slamming his back at the trunk. He slid down it, knocked out.

Bakugou looked around the edges of the ice shield structure and walked towards Dark Shadow. "Icyhot, contain the cannibal villain!" he whispered through his teeth. Icyhot nodded and walked over to the unconcious villain. He summoned ice and froze Moonfish to the trunk of the tree.

Meanwhile, Bakugou let out several flashy explosions from his hands, inching his way towards Dark Shadow. "Come on! Can't you see you're hurting him? Go the fuck down and help fucking Bird Brain!"

As he got closer and closer, Dark Shadow got smaller, and smaller, and smaller, until it was to the point that Tokoyami could summon him back. "Thank you, Bakugou," he said. Bakugou just sneered.

"Oh-ho! What an interesting show!" a new voice said, appearing out of nowhere. Everyone turned to the new person. He wore a white mask with black lines, an orangish suit and had a black top hat. "My name is Mister Compress!" he announced. "I'm here for some rather interesting pieces!" He raised his hands and flew towards Bakugou, who instantly started creating explosions. However, before Mister Compress touched Bakugou, a small dark figure shot out from the trees, kicking Mister Compress away and into a tree. Mister Compress shakily got up, but not before Todoroki froze him in place. Bakugou looked at the figure.


Izuku looked back. "Hello Kacchan." ****************************************************Earlier...

"Muscular!" Kota's voice cried.

"Get away Kota!" Izuku said and fell back into a fighting stance. He'd be damned if he let Kota get hurt.

"Heh, you'll be a great warmup kid!" Muscular ran towards Izuku who immediately dodged. This went on several times before Muscular yelled in rage. He grabbed Izuku, who dodged too late and held him up by the face. "YOU SEE?! I'M STRONGER THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!"

Suddenly, a splash of water hit Muscular in the face. Muscular looked over to the source of the water, where Kota had his hands out. "Leave him alone!" Kota yelled.

That distraction was enough. Izuku twisted Muscular's wrist and prodded him at the elbow, where the funny bone was. Muscular let go at the sudden pain and Izuku hit him where the sun didn't shine. Hard.

Crouching over his crotch, Muscular growled. "Not funny kid. I'll KILL YOU AND GET THAT BAKUGOU KID!" Suddenly, Muscular ran like a bull towards Izuku who smirked. He had him where he wanted.

You see, Izuku had to get Muscular mad enough to charge at him without fear of consequences. If he did this, then Muscular would run at full strength towards Izuku. Then, Izuku would be like a Matador and Muscular a bull.

Dodging at the last second, Izuku went just out of reach, making Muscular run headfirst into the mountainside. The mountain quaked and Muscular fell down, unconcious, with a nasty hit on 

his head.

"Come on, Kota!" Izuku yelled and Kota ran into Izuku's arms. Izuku picked him up and ran down into the chaotic forest. ---------------------------------------------After a bit of running around, with his luck intact, he ran into Eraserhead. His mind started to freak out but his voice was steady. "Let everyone use their quirks."

Eraserhead's eyebrows went up. "Who're you?" he demanded and Izuku snapped. "Does it matter? They're after Ka - Bakugou!"

"Fine, tell the woman in orange you have my permission."

"Great!" Izuku said, already racing towards the facility. Kota snuggled into Izuku's neck and a fierce protectiveness feeling washed over. He had to get Kota to safety.

"Orange cat!" he yelled when he got to the clearing and Mandalay looked over at him. 

"Guardian! Kota!" she yelled. Bringing Kota down to his aunt, he yelled at Mandalay. "Let everyone know that they can use their quirks, Eraserhead's permission granted. Tell them they're after Ka - I mean, Bakugou!"

The lady's eyes went wide and she nodded. "Right!" She broadcasted the warning.

"Thank you!" he cried as he went racing back into the forest, too far to hear Mandalay's cry, "Wait! Guardian!".

---------------------------------------------------Back to the present...

"Deku? What the fuck!" Bakugou ran and grabbed Izuku into a hug.

"Hello, Kacchan."

"What the fuck do you mean 'Hello Kacchan'," Bakugou said, mimicking Izuku's voice. The three other hero students were just confused.

"Isn't that Guardian, kero?" Asui asked.

"How do you know him?" Todoroki asked.

Bakugou looked towards Todoroki. "Because he was my childhood friend. He disappeared a while ago but the police didn't want to fucking continue their search because they fucking said he was quirkless."

The three's eyes went wide. So this was the famous childhood friend? Bakugou had dedicated his win at the Sports Festival to him.

"Gotta go help someone," Izuku said and he disappeared, hearing Bakugou yell, "Wait."Izuku shook his head silently and muttered, "I'm Guardian and must protect everyone in this forest."

Needless to say, he swiftly defeated Toga and apprehended her. Soon, the police arrived to capture Moonfish, Muscular, Toga, Mustard, and Mister Compress. However, the other villains disappeared.

Izuku disappeared too. To his cave that no one had found. Yet.****************************************************************Deku was alive. Deku was ALIVE. Bakugou was giddy from excitement and annoyed at the police. Scratch that, he was fucking mad at them. 'Sorry, he's quirkless so we might as well drop it since he's probably dead'? Fuck that!

"I know that fucking De-Izuku is Guardian! There's a fucking teenager in the woods and you aren't helping? Are you fucking heroes and police or are you fucking extras?" Bakugou yelled, scaring the police slightly.

****************************************************************After hours of searching, they had discovered something. A cave. That looked like someone was living there. But that person was not there anywhere.

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