Chapter 2 - Date, Date, DATE!

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(So anyway.. Tank survived in this fic. I see it as wasted potential to kill him off but i've still also added Link. Also thank you  @SincerelyTreebros for borrowing the character Patience. (Tho she is NOT related to Neo in this story))

((Y/f/d)=Your favorite dish)

(*2nd person POV*)

You walked into the cafeteria. Trinity was sitting next to Neo. Vortex was chatting with Link and Tank while eating. Patience was talking with Phoenix and Nova. You sat next to the trio, with your lunch. The young, teal haired boy, Nova turned to look at you the quickest. "Hi guys." You smiled at the group. "Hi." Patience smiled at you slightly. "Hiya (Y/n)!" Nova chirped. Phoenix nodded. The redhead was more of a badass, silent type. Nova, her adopted brother was an extrovert and bubbly. Phoenix was one of the best fighters you had ever met coming close to Morpheus' level and Nova was very talented at coding and hacking. Patience was an excellent leader and the head of the trio. They were a good team. 

"How was your training with that Agent?" Nova asked excitedly. "It was fun! And I think I did good." You answered confidently. "What have you three been up to?" You asked. "I've been helping Tank with fixing that one computer. The one that YOU KNOW WHO BROKE!" Nova said glaring daggers at his sister. "Oh I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I was sparring with Patience and YOU didn't warn me!" Phoenix argued in response. Patience sighed. "Don't mind them. They are both on edge today.. But uh, can I ask you something?" You nodded. "How did you know that.. That Agent was the one? Like I mean the one for you." Patience asked looking at her meal. "Well. I just felt this sort of connection to him that I had never felt with anyone else." You tried to pack the feelings into words. "Why are you asking?" You asked a smirk making it's way on your lips. "Uhm, no reason!" Patience informed awkwardly. Nova and Phoenix had finally stopped arguing. "Anyway.. What were you two talkin' about? Did we miss something?" Nova asked. "Just something.. It doesn't really matter." You stated eating more of your lunch.

You finished your lunch quite quickly. You had promised to help out Patience and Vortex with fixing one of the chairs. "Patience, could you fetch the screw driver for me?" The young man asked as he swiped a strand of his white blond hair behind his ear. "Sure." Patience said going to find the tool. Vortex continued working on the other parts of the chair. "Could you hold that screw, please?" Vortex asked politely, looking at you. "Okie-dokie." You answered before sitting on the floor and holding the screw still. You wondered how Smith was feeling right now. "Here." Patience handed Vortex the screw driver. "Mind if I go use the.. computer?" Patience asked fiddling her fingers. "You can go contact your boyfriend. I'm pretty sure, that me and (Y/n) can handle this." Vortex stated calmly. "He's not my boyfriend!" Patience informed, blushing madly as she quickly walked off. The question she had asked earlier now made sense.. She had a crush on someone.

An hour passed and you returned to the matrix. You wore a (Y/f/c) dress. It was very fancy and of course one of your favorites. You arrived close to the tall building and waited. Smith walked out soon enough. He was wearing a suit. This one looked fancier than his usual ones. "Shall we?" He asked offering you his arm. You took his offer and you walked down the street together. "So where first?" You asked gently. "I was thinking about going to a restaurant." Smith revealed. "Sounds great. The one from our first dinner date?" You asked looking at your partner from the corner of your eye. He was focusing on looking forward but he wore a calm and formal look. He didn't really show his emotions to anyone but his close ones.. "Of course." You smiled at him. 

You arrived to the restaurant and one of the waiters guided you to the table that Smith had booked for you. You sat in front of him and soon enough another waiter arrived to take your orders. You both decided to get some water at first and then some wine with the food. You went with (Y/f/d). Smith ordered a salad with some fried chicken. You knew he didn't need to eat but it was still nice that he did so. The waiter quickly brought you your waters and then delivered the rest of the order to the chef. 

You chit-chatted with Smith while waiting for your meals to arrive. "So how has your day been so far?" You asked gently. "Eh. You know. I loved training with you. But I've recently had to do more paper work and it hasn't been that interesting. The upgrades have been more used on the field." You nodded to show that you were listening. God you had missed him. You had thought about him 24/7 ever since you parted last time. And right now you craved his attention, touch and passionate kisses.. You imagined his warm arms wrapped around your body as you'd rest your head in the crook of his neck. He'd gently brush his hand threw your hair. And then you'd kiss him.

"How about yours?" Smith asked with a look of genuine interest. He snapped you out from day dreaming. "Not bad. The training with you was really nice. It has been a while since we last saw.. And I'm really happy to see you again." You spoke honestly. The waiter finally arrived with your food. You continued chatting about everything threw the lovely dinner. 

(So yeah I'll end this chapter here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for all the positive feedback on the first chapter.)

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