Chapter 3 - "Tonight is full of drunkenness"

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After your delightful dinner you decided to head back to Smith's apartment in the office building. You felt gigglish from all the drinks you had had. It was truly strange. Even though the alcohol wasn't real, it affected you. But like Morpheus had once said 'Your mind makes it real.' You felt extremely tipsy and were tripping on your heels. At one point you stepped on your left leg with your right and almost face planted on the side walk. Luckily your knight in shining armor caught you before that. He held onto you as if letting go would cause you to perish. "Are you going to kiss me or are you just going to keep staring?" You asked him with a smug smile. You noticed his cheeks go red. He hadn't probably realized that he was supposed to do something. You giggled as he helped you back to your feet. "Shoot." You mumbled trying to walk forward. "Are you alright, love?" Smith asked with worry filled eyes. 

"My ankle.. It hurts." You whined with a frown. "Maybe you should give it a kiss.. That could fix it." Smith ignored your flirting and thought his options over. In a swift motion you were on his arms, bridal style. "Whee! I can fly!" You giggled spreading your arms and leaning back. Smith chuckled and shook his head as he continued walking. You straightened yourself so you could look at him. You noticed a smile trying to creep on his lips. It was adorable! You huffed. "Why do you have to keep those.. Stupid shades on all the time? Your eyes are be-beautiful." You stuttered trying to reach for the said glasses. "Agent must wear his sunglasses whilst dealing with public. It's rule number three.. Most even keep their sunglasses on all the time. Even I did so for a very long time. Yes even whilst sleeping.. And I already had them off when we were eating.." You managed to reach his glasses and soon they were on the front pocket of his suit. "There, much better!" You smiled, proud of your achievement. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed a kiss on his cheek. As soon as your lips left his cheek you pressed your forehead against it. You could feel his head leaning against your forehead. 

"This is too hard.." You murmured trying to adjust so you were in a comfortable position but also still skin to skin with Smith. "Well we are almost there so just try to stay still." Smith stated. "Also I'd love if you'd put my shades back on." Smith continued, quickly glancing at you. "Nooooo... Why? Your eyes are so PRETTY!" You whined. "I just think it would be much more suitable for me to wear them when we enter the building I work and live in.." He explained. "Well if you want me to do that, then ask nicely!" "Alright. Could you please put my sunglasses back on for me?" Smith asked politely. 

"Eye contact, Smithy! And also could you try to make the please more... Begging?" You bossed him. He looked at you with narrowed eyes. "Could you.. PLEASE put my sunglasses back on, Queen (Y/n), the humble and selfless?" Smith asked sarcastically. "That's more like it!" You smiled taking the shades and setting them back on gently. He let out a hearty laugh and your heart skipped a beat. You hadn't expected him to do so in public and he wasn't even that much of a laugher when it was just the two of you. "And I thought I was drunk.." You mumbled. "Well it seems tonight is full of drunkenness." Smith replied softly. His honeyed voice echoed in the back of your hazy mind. Your want for him suddenly multiplied by million. "Finally were here.." Smith sighed. "Can you walk inside?" Smith asked looking at you. "No. Sadly my ankle has been shattered into millions of pieces and you'll have to carry me forever. Also I want to be a princess, so carry me!" Smith gave you a look and you quickly added. "Please?" He nodded in response and he carried you inside.

After the awkwardness of Smith getting his ID card shown whilst still holding you, the two of you made it into the elevator. You slid your legs down onto the metallic floor of the elevator. "I thought your ankle was, quote 'shattered into millions of pieces'." Smith said playfully. This was truly weird! You were alone in the elevator and you didn't care anyway if someone saw you.. You pushed against him as you started kissing him. He was conveniently already very close to the wall so you didn't have to push too hard to get him against it. You started from his lips and moved towards his jawline. "(Y-y/n) wh-what are you doing?" Smith asked embarrassment showing in his voice. "Why seducing you of course.." You purred against his ear, the alcohol multiplying your confidence. His breaths came out short and shaky. "N-not here.. We are almost there, p-please.." Smith whispered. His voice was full of longing. Longing for you. It was really hard for you to respect his wish right now.. But you tried. 

Just then the elevator dinged as a sign of you entering the apartment floor. You clung onto Smith's arm as you walked out of the elevator. You rushed to the door. He took out his keycard. He opened the door and you walked inside. He followed you inside and pulled the door shut. You did a 180 to face the handsome agent you loved. You noticed how his hands traveled behind your back immediately. You hopped and wrapped your legs behind his back. You moaned softly as he pressed hot kisses on your neck. He slowly walked to the bed and laid you down. He continued kissing your neck. "Smith.. Please.. I need more." At those words he froze. His lips were still close to your neck and you felt his breath. It sent chills down your spine. "I.. I can't.. I can't use you like that. Not in this state." Smith whispered against your neck. "I really want to give you so much more but I can't right now.." He whispered. You could hear how much he was holding back and how much he truly wanted it. In some distant part of your mind you thanked him. "Then making out shall do.." You mumbled. He moved his face and your eyes locked. His face was red and you were pretty sure yours was too. "So be it." He pressed his lips against yours, into a tender, hot, passionate, kiss.

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now