Chapter 169: Battle for Dora (Conclusion)

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Dora Tribelands, Kirkcour Woods.

2:45 pm. 14th Banem, 1092.


Loud explosions continuously rang out from the midst of the monster army west of Dora's walls. The centaurs that manned Dora's west wall gulped hard as they watched a daeben and his horse continually blast their way through the monster army with alarming force. The centaurs clenched their fists until their knuckles turned white. Win! Win! Win! The centaurs, who until then had been staring death in the face, felt a surge of adrenaline rush through their blood as they watched the monsters they feared get slaughtered by the daeben.

"Win Kashi-dono!" A sudden shout erupted from the wall, and the soldiers looked in shock at an old centaur whose intense gaze watched the battle below. Only at this moment did the centaurs realize that dozens of civilians had left their hiding places to join the soldiers on the wall.

"Nubar-san, please, it's dangerous here! Return to the shelter." A group of soldiers tried to convince the old man, but he was having none of it.

"Hmph! We know our fate lies in these battles. What use it is to hide at this point?" The old man retorted with a huff. "Let this old stallion see his fate with his own eyes."

The captain on the wall felt a little awkward, but in the end, he acceded when the old man promised he would leave if the situation took a turn for the worse. Just as the captain was about to turn to the wall, a child broke out of the cluster of civilians and eagerly galloped over to the battlements.

The filly propped herself over the battlements, eyes gleaming as she caught sight of the daeben within the sea of monsters. Just as a rough hand grabbed her shoulder, she cupped her hands over her mouth and screamed at the top of her lungs, "Kashi-Sama! WIIIIIIIN!"

Silence descended on the wall as everyone instinctively looked over to that battlefield. At that moment, even though he should have had no way of hearing her call, Kashi suddenly raised his right hand into the sky and flashed a thumbs up!

A sudden charge, like an electric spark, flashed through the warriors on the wall, and raucous cheers soon erupted.

"Win Kashi-dono!"

"Kill them all Kashi-sama!"

"Kashi!" "Kashi!" Kashi!"

Buoyed by the chanting on the wall, Kashi continuously wreaked havoc among the monster lines. Unfortunately, the daeben's initial momentum carried over from the north side had been significantly whittled down over time, so despite the fact he was still winning, the battle took longer than anticipated.

Kashi had originally estimated he would wipe out the beast army with a few strategic [Gilgamesh] strikes. Unfortunately, the monsters quickly adapted to the OP skill. The monsters used the time delay between Gilgamesh's portal opening and the arrows shooting out to defend themselves. The blights manipulated large roots to shoot out from the earth and block the arrows.

The blights also attempted to use these roots to lay traps for the daeben, but his eyesight was far too sharp. Just before the roots shot out of the earth, there would be a slight bulge as the earth above gave way. It was very subtle and almost invisible to the regular human eye, but Kashi caught it every time.

Not only that, but Drixlia outperformed itself by nimbly changing directions even at high speed. The way it rapidly decelerated, veered off, then accelerated was more akin to nimbler species like leopards or lions than horses. This was a clear sign of its rapid improvement from continuously leveling up.

Kashi, meanwhile, did not lose hope despite losing his trump card. If he couldn't take them out en masse, all he had to do was kill them individually, right? The daeben shot arrow after arrow, rapidly taking down every enemy he came across. He lost count of how many monsters he had killed and how many times he'd strung the bow.

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