Chapter 218: My Guild in the Land of Roses

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Redmont, Serisis.

8:36 p.m. 19th Banem 1092.

The ballroom's atmosphere grew rife with tension as Kashi and Vanzuela glared at each other, neither willing to back down. Vanzuela's expression, in particular, turned nastier with each passing second, seeming like he was about to lose his rationality to rage. Luckily, just when it seemed like he was about to lose it, the adjudicator received a system prompt.

"Tch," Vanzuela clucked his tongue as he glanced at the prompt. "Time's up." He regarded Kashi with a condescending snare as he said, "Count yourself lucky. We'll continue this another time." He then glanced at Lunette and said, "And you... it's only a matter of time. Enjoy your holiday."

"Hey!" shouted Kashi before Vanzuela could leave. "I've decided." The daeben drew an arc across his neck with his thumb as he declared, "I will kill one of you every time you show up in front of me. I will kill two of you every time you show up in front of my guildmates; And, if you ever dare harm any of my friends," The daeben's glare turned hellish. A teasing smile rose up the side of his lips as he said, "I will render you all extinct."

Vanzuela snorted in response. "I would like to see you try." He then turned to his companions and ordered, "Let's go." Following his command, the adjudicators unfurled their wings and burst into the sky in a flash of light.

Vanzuela made to leave, but then a thought occurred that made him pause. He stopped, looked at the ballroom guests, and then snapped his fingers.

"What's happening?" King Parissius shouted as he stumbled, "What's that shakiiiiiii—It's not shaking anymore?" The young king paused as he realized the tremors had suddenly stopped.

King Parissius was not alone in his confusion. Vanzuela had unfrozen the Residents. But because, mentally, they did not experience the last couple of minutes, they were understandably confused.


King Parissius and the rest looked up at the open ceiling, eyes wide in shock as they stared at the adjudicator flying above. No matter which god or deity one served, they'd all heard of the 'Representatives of the Gods' or Adjudicators. Legends said they brought the wrath of the gods upon the worst sinners. Seeing an adjudicator was akin to coming face to face with death.

Fear and panic immediately seized many Serians, Rosens, and Merrites. The scared civilians knelt in submission to the higher power, praying they had not somehow run afoul of the gods.

Vanzuela's eyes shone as he glanced at Kashi with a proud smirk. Without waiting for the daeben to seize the momentum, he spread out his arms and shouted, "Humes of the various Kingdoms! This daeben, Kashi, has insulted the adjudicators' glory, and in doing so, the gods! In due time, he and his guild will suffer divine punishment meted out by the gods." A chaotic grin spread across Vanzuela's face as he warned, "At that time, whoever is caught in cahoots with him might also fall victim to divine punishment. For your sakes, I hope you seize all collaboration henceforth."

"That!" Leila and Miote shouted in unison, appalled and incensed by the adjudicator's shamelessness. To think he would go after Kashi this way. Crippling the daeben's leveling was not bad enough. Now, Vanzuela wanted to make Kashi a pariah to Residents everywhere.

"What?" retorted Vanzuela with a malicious smirk. "Do you dare blaspheme the gods? In public?"

Leila, Miote, and the Maggots ground their teeth in rage, but indeed could not bring themselves to attack, whether verbally or physically. It was one thing to mock the adjudicators amongst themselves, but the rest of the continent was profoundly spiritual. The gods played a part in their everyday lives and were ever-present. As a result, it was difficult to find anyone who viewed the gods with apathy, let alone mockery.

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