Chapter 82: Mall Day

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Training Hall,

Genaco Compound.

One step, Strike! Two steps, Strike, Strike! Duck, evade... Triple strike!

The booms of flesh against mannequin echoed in the training hall, its lone occupant drenched in sweat as he repeated the ritualistic motions. Hardened, taxed muscles rippled under the clothing, which was stuck to his skin as a result of the excess perspiration.

James Shouyou observed the young man's session from the entrance with a small smile. As expected, Suzuki did not miss a step as he continually hammered away at the mannequins, his techniques a mixture of various fighting schools. At times he would start with a boxer's posture, shifting his feet quickly as he ducked and punched, but then without warning, and quite seamlessly, he would swivel and deliver a crunching kick to the mannequin's neck—a popular taekwondo skill.

Shouyou noticed Suzuki's strained expression and slightly shaky arms as he practiced his Taka. If he hadn't been acquainted with the young man, he would have thought these were signs of fatigue. After all, it had been two whole hours since Suzuki began his training session. However, he knew this not to be the case.

The man called Suzuki Mato was what many would consider being a 'fighting genius.' He had acquired and nearly perfected many different schools and techniques at a mere seventeen years of age. In fact, with his current skills, it would be completely unfair of him to participate in any school competitions. That was the level of the current Suzuki Mato... but that wasn't always the case.

Five years ago, following the death of his parents, Suzuki Mato became a completely different being. If there was one word to describe him, it would be... yes, it would be Feral!

The cause of this change... No, that was not important.

What was important was that Suzuki became a soul filled with nothing but rage. He willfully targeted the unsavory characters in his classes, making as many enemies as he could along the way. He was akin to a beast, devouring anybody that challenged him, no matter the amount, using his teeth, nails, or anything he could find.

In a strange twist of fate, the person who rescued him from this cycle was none other than Razznik Y'Terlow, the man who would later be known as the "God of Destruction." It was through Razznik he learned that he could suppress the rage through disciplined and rigorous training.

That was when Suzuki began what would later earn him the nickname of 'Club Crusher,' the same sequence of events that would eventually lead him to meet with the girl that ultimately saved him from himself.

Well, though he said that, it wasn't entirely true. That feral rage still lurked just beneath Suzuki's surface, threatening to break out each time he put himself through rigorous exercise or fought with someone.

Suzuki's muscles relaxed as he took a deep breath then released. The session was over. He was still in top fighting shape. Perfect.

Suzuki noticed Shouyou approaching, dressed casually in track pants and a loose T-shirt, whose lax demeanor somehow managed not to betray any openings for the young man to attack if he wanted to. He caught a bottle of water thrown by the older man and finished its contents before Shouyou was within arm's length.

"What brings you here?" Suzuki asked, eyes narrow as he observed Shouyou, careful to keep him at arm's length.

The older man shook his head, with a slight chuckle. "You still don't trust me? Even after everything we've been through?"

"I don't trust you because of everything we've been through."

"Then why'd you tell me your secret?"

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