Chapter 8 - Fanfictions?

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A week later, Allen had been reading the novel nonstop. There are times that he lacked sleep. For these past few days, Az and Alicia had been teaching him about the phone and self-defense.

Right now, the boy sat alone in the library. He was in a place where no one could see him. Avoiding Calia and Ryan was hard, he had to entertain them whenever they speak to him. He also had to act normal, he doesn't want it to be obvious that he's trying to avoid them. Since he found it impossible, he decided to come up of a new plan—he will play along with them and pretend to not know about their intentions. Also, he should be very careful in order to prevent provoking anyone.

Allen sighed tiredly, wanting to the last chapter he had read in the novel. But curiosity suddenly hit him, he wanted to know more about the phone. So he explored its contents—so far, he was amazed at the new knowledge he had discovered. Allen noticed that these box-shaped things are known as 'apps'—Alicia taught him about it last night when they were sending him home. A moment later, he found an app that says, FanficNovels. He clicked it and was about to check it out. Suddenly, Einz appeared in front of the boy, interrupting him.

Good thing Allen's hands were fast. If they weren't, Einz would've seen the phone.

"Einz, what are you doing here?" Allen glared at the prince. "Also, aren't you coming here more often? Aren't you supposed to be in the castle, studying some boring stuff?" he says, smoothly slipping the phone in his pocket. 'How did he find me here?' he thought.

"You don't know when to quit, do you?" Einz said, there was a hint of anger in his tone.

"What are you talking about?" Allen asked.

"Last night, I saw you. Did you think I won't recognize you just because you wore a dark cloak?" Einz glared at him darkly.

"Dark...cloak?" Allen questioned, obviously confused. He didn't wear a dark cloak last night, he was just at home, wearing pajamas.

"Yeah. You were stalking Bella again. You even reached to the point of barging in her house." Einz said.

Allen stood there, even more confused. "What? I didn't go to her house last night." he says truthfully. In fact, he already decided to quit. Continuing would cause himself more harm.

"Quit lying, Allen. Larence and I gave you a chance. You wasted it." Einz looked at him with a threatening glare. "If you ask for evidence, I will send guards to your house and find that dark cloak you're wearing. You don't have any escape. Bella saw you as well, she could remember if it was the same cloak you wore last night."

"Hold up! Wait a minute! Just what on earth are you talking about!? Cloak this, cloak that! Can you explain it to me in a more specific way!?" Allen exclaimed. It really irritates him whenever Einz speaks complicated words. "Try to say it in simple words. Like, come on! Have mercy on my fucking IQ!" he snapped, finally losing his composure.

Einz stood there, becoming confused as well. The moment he studied the redhead's expression, he asked, "Wait.  Are you...confused?"

Allen crossed his arms, glaring at the boy. "Isn't obvious?" he sneered.

"Wait...if that's the case... It wasn't you?"


"That guy in a dark cloak... It wasn't you?"

"What do you mean by a guy with a dark clo—Wait, did you say dark cloak?..."

Allen paused, realizing something. "Could it be...." he trailed off, bowing his head down, making Einz wonder.

"What?" the prince asked.

Allen began to sweat, hoping that it wasn't the person he think it was. Az said that guardians and familiars aren't supposed to be involved with the characters—were they wrong?

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