Chapter 34 - Almost Caught

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After hearing Alicia's warning, Allen almost freaked out. Right now, he's trying to maintain a neutral expression as he watches Felix being surrounded by Sean, Kivy, and Ivy. Currently, all of them are inside a quiet room in school. Allen had to suggest it because they can't argue in public.

From what Allen sees, it seems that Felix is being threatened by these extraordinary servants. The poor dude kept on insisting that the both of them aren't in a relationship, but Sean and the others won't believe him. Allen couldn't help but sigh at this mess.

'Why do things have to be complicated?' he thought.

Az, Ryan, and Felix weirdly looked at Allen who's now laying face first on the couch. Allen kept muttering words that no living being could even understand.

The servants looked at the redhead as well. They may not show it in their expressions, but they are worried at the young master's weird behavior.

"Just what on earth are you doing? Are you chanting a spell or some type of shit?" Felix arched a brow.

Az just chuckled at the comment. "He isn't a mage, so there's no way he could perform magic." he says. Then a moment later, he looked at Bella and asked. "So, what are you doing here? Why did you come with us?"

Bella stared back, looking at them with a very smug expression. "Well, there's no way I'll pass up something this interesting." she says, turning her head to face Allen. "Hah! I never knew you were bent, here I thought you've got the hots for women. Well, I don't really give a fuck though. I'm glad you found someone, ya little shit." she cackled, starting to rub Allen's head.

Allen grunted at the force. From what he observed, it seems that Bella switched again in a different personality. He could only guess that she was able to hear the gossips from the school earlier and took it upon herself to tease him. Unlike the nice and reserved Bella, this Bella is a trouble maker, and a loudmouth at that.

"Okay, how on earth was she able to know a news like this?" he asked curiously. He looked at her with an expression that says, 'I thought you two don't share memories.'

Bella huffed, seeming to get what Allen was trying to imply.

"Of course I fuckin' knew. Earlier, I gotta admit that I was confused being in a strange place. Cuz yeah, you know, things happen." she says nonchalantly, giving out a shrug. "That bitch Rachel kept on freaking out about you dating a guy, saying that she couldn't believe it, like it's impossible and stuff. I mean, I guess I could understand her reaction. You don't seem the type."

"It's all a misunderstanding." Felix and Allen both groaned in unison.

Most people in the room arched a brow, clearly in doubt.

"Seriously, why are you guys aren't leaving already? Lunch break will be over soon." Allen says, clearly displeased.

"Not until we confirm that the partner you chose isn't a gold digger." Kivy huffed, wrinkling his nose. His twin sister, Ivy, just nodded in agreement.

Sean stepped forward, also agreeing with the twins. "Kivy and Ivy are right, young master. No matter what, we should always be careful in choosing a partner." he states firmly.

Felix shook his head. He rubbed his temples, starting to develope a lot of migraines. Allen sighed in exasperation, looking at Az for help. But Az just averted his gaze, finding the floor interesting.

Ryan noticed their distress. So he looked at Allen with a brightening smile, letting out a gesture that he's willing to help. But at the same time, his offer seemed sketchy.

Allen slumped his shoulders in defeat. Honestly, he doesn't want to accept Ryan's help in this, it's so suspicious. But there's nothing he could do right now, so he gave out a nod as a sign for accepting the offer.

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