Chapter 24 - Debut (3)

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Note: In case you guys get confused about how others address Az, take note that other characters think that he's Azruelle. So they would address Az as Azruelle. Ryan and Calia still calls him Az because they think it's a shortened nickname given by Allen. In case you guys forgot, Az's real name is Azazel Von Rensselaer, but currently he possesses a character named Azruelle Macklin.

"He....WHAT!?" Az exclaimed.

He looked horrified when the news was told to him. Allen just averted his gaze as he sees the boy's surprise.

Az stood there for a while and blinked in disbelief. A moment later, he looked at Ryan, then back at Allen.

"So, h-he knows? Wait, nevermind. If I think about it carefully, this is Ryan Sullivan, of course he would know." he says. A moment later, he sighed and looked at Ryan again. A groan slipped out from his mouth. "I guess we shouldn't have hoped, thinking that we'll get out of your radar."

The three of them are now standing near the terrace, talking in a place where no other people could hear their conversation.

"You would have, if only you guys were careful that time." Ryan smiled as he tilted his head.

Allen crossed his arms, looking down at the floor as if he finds it interesting. His face seemed apologetic as he secretly fidgets his toes.

Az looked at Ryan cautiously. Then he shoots an expression to Allen that pleads for help in handling this situation.

Allen got the message and moved forward, clearing his throat.

"As you can see, his assistance gives us convenience. We both can't deny that." he says. Then he looks at Ryan. "This guy is also knowledgeable. That reason alone is sufficient, he knows his way around here. We need his brain."

Ryan arched a brow with a satisfied grin.

Az arched a brow. "You're gonna take out his brain?" he asked.

Allen wrinkled his nose, looking disgusted. He starts to think that Az really takes everything literally. "No, Az. I meant that we need a smart person like Ryan." he sneered at him. "Also, why do you think I'll rip out his brain? Do I look like a zombie to you?" he added, making a face that shows extreme distaste.

Allen may knew things about the future because of the novel, but not everything is stated in the book. It is possible that there might be important informations they should be aware of, and Ryan's help is needed because he knows a lot.

"Fine, he could help. If I have to be honest, I admit that we need more assistance." Az nodded, somehow agreeing with Allen.

"Good. Looks like asking for your permission isn't that hard. Glad to be a new member of your club." Ryan smirked. He looked angelic for a two-faced bastard.

Allen's displeased expression turned into confusion. He looked at Ryan with an arched brow. "Club? Since when?" Allen asked, making a weirded out expression. "I think we're hardly considered as a club."

Az let out a disagreeing tone and suddenly jumping in between the two boys, putting his arms on their shoulders.

"Shush, Allen. From now on, we are a club! I even have a name in mind!"

Allen looked horrified. "I refuse to hear whatever title you've came up with. Also, this isn't something we should discuss right now---"

"I shall now hereby name this organization as The Wonder Cuties!" Az announced, completely cutting off Allen's sentence.

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