Chapter 27

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A Small Hut In The Forest

"You all are useless! How could you miss this opportunity!" The man sitting on the table roar at his subordinates.

"Master we have injured him with poison. He is supposed to die by the end of today." They said nervously.

"Then what happen?!! Why hasn't he dead yet!" The mask man couldn't contain his anger. It was his last chance to kill Feng Xujin.

"Our people told us Miss Li Wei Wei is the one who saved him."

"What? Li Wei Wei? What did the petite lady do to save a very heavily poisoned man?" He is feeling more curious about Li Wei Wei. If she is not there, Feng Xujin would be dead.

'Li Wei Wei you ruined my plan. But your talent can't be waste. You should be with me instead.' The man smirked inside of his mask.


Military Camp

It has been four days since Feng Xujin got hurt. All the soldiers was worried about him. But they didn't say nor do anything. They couldn't.

But today, Feng Xujin's sudden appearance relieved all of them. When all the soldiers want to salute him, he quickly excused them with hand signal.

"Today all of you will have a day off." Hearing this the soldiers want to cheer but Feng Xujin deep toneless voice make them nervous.

"Starting from tomorrow there is no rest day. Go rest now." So this is it. Today is the only day they could get his leniency.

"And also move quietly." Li Wei Wei has been taking care of him for days without any rest so he forced her to sleep.

With that all the soldiers dispersed. All of them quickly shower, eat and then sleep.

They heard about rumours that general love his wife very much. It seems like the rumours is the truth.

Feng Xujin entered his private camp and cautiously sit on the bed. Before leaving, he place a kiss on her forehead. He then went to the march site.

She can hear some footsteps around. Li Wei Wei feel so tired but she open her eyes anyway.

'Why are there so many people?'

Her eyes wander around the chamber.

"I'm at the military camp! But where is Jin Jin? He should rest!" She slap her own forehead.

Running outside, she found everyone is looking straight at her. She cough awkwardly then ask them,

"Where is Jin Jin? I mean the general." She has get used to the nickname already.

The soldiers gape when she came out. No wonder the general treasure her. Her beauty is one of a kind. But they replied together when they heard the general's nickname.

Without any delay, all of them pointed to one direction. She thanked them and walk towards their pointed out location.

From a small distance, she could see her husband reading a mountain of scrolls. Feng Xujin doesn't seem like someone who has been poisoned.

His expression was impossible to discern, but his form was tall and dashing. In his black robes, he looked both mysterious and majestic as he emitted an aura of menacing.

"Jin Jin why didn't you wake up? And you should rest. Your wound hasn't completely heal yet." Didn't want to get caught checking him up. Li Wei Wei make up a question.

She immediately take a seat beside him. Feng Xujin look at Li Wei Wei smiling a bit.

"Got rest! I will help you a bit later. I might not good but I'm a fast learner."

She is indeed not familiar with all the scrolls. But she will try.

Looking at her husband, she is reminded by a modern way to distract someone.

'Li Wei Wei what are you so shy about! He is your rightfully husband. And you have kiss him a lot before!'

She is fully aware that her husband has a very great self control. But he is also a man with needs.

With that thought in her mind, she suddenly grab his face with her small hand, giving him a peck on his lips.

The gesture caught his completely off guard. Before he could say anything, Li Wei Wei already sprinting out while yelling.

"If you don't come and rest now, you don't get any kisses in the future!"

Li Wei Wei quickly pretend to sleep when she heard someone is coming. It was obviously her husband Jin Jin.

Changing into his sleeping robe. Feng Xujin knew she is pretending to be asleep.

Wanting to tease her, he tower over her petite body. Holding her hand to the side.

"Wha.. what are you doing? Be careful with your wound." She nervously said it.

"It has healed." Feng Xujin said shortly, his eyes darken looking at her sleeping state.

She started to ramble randomly when her lips suddenly got shut by a cold lips.

Li Wei Wei felt his lips brushed hers softly and delicately. He expertly moved his lips against her lips. He slowly felt like his self control slowly slip away.

Giving her one last peck, he could feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of her still lingered.

"I couldn't held myself. I'm sorry." Feng Xujin voice became so dark and deep.

She saw the way his eyes turned darker. Li Wei Wei love him so she try to take it to next phase.

"I'm ready." Li Wei Wei held his face saying that.

He smile softly at her. Feng Xujin slowly said,

"I love you Li Wei Wei." She is so surprised at his sudden confession.

Li Wei Wei replied, "I love you too Jin Jin."

Feng Xujin once again pinned her small body and kiss her hungrily. That night the two of them finally consummated their marriage.



I am so sorry I couldn't wrote any further about intimate gesture. I feel a bit awkward. Let's give a moment for y'all wild imaginations.

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