Chapter 8

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General Feng Manor

After a while, they finally arrived at his manor. She can imagine how big the manor is from the inside. Guards are guarding the front door.

Li Wei Wei politely asked the guard whether the general was at his manor or not. Fortunately, he is at home.

But she is not sure if he is willing to see her or not. So she asked for help from the guard to tell the general she was there.

Before the guard could step inside his study room, a voice rang,

"Is it something important?"

The guard then replied in one breath,

"There is someone outside, she wants to see you."

Feng Xujin angrily said,

"I already told you I'm not in the mood to greet someone. Ask that person to go back."

"But she told me to tell you that Li Wei Wei is here to see you."

Hearing this, he unexpectedly looks up so quickly. But the guard couldn't see him as he was outside of the room.

"Where is she?"

"Outside general."

"Tell her to wait for a bit"

The guard nodded quickly.

Walking outside, he wear a stoned face scared Qiqi but not Li Wei Wei. Qiqi then asked for permission to leave so she didn't bother her miss.

Li Wei Wei immediately greets the general in front of her.

"General how are you? It has been a while." Looking at him up and down, she shrugged. Seems like he is safe.

Looking down at the petite girl, he noticed that her eyes were red. Feng Xujin could tell it was due to crying.

"Why are you crying and why did you want to see me?" He doesn't know why that question came out smoothly.

This question surprised her, she did not expect him to ask that. She felt her heart flutter but quickly ignored it.

"Emm it was nothing. I.. I want to ask you is it true that you are going to marry Prime Minister's daughter Jiang Liyao?"

Li Wei Wei is going to give up if it's the truth. Maybe she couldn't change his fate.

"Why?" He is extremely curious as to why Li Wei Wei asked about it.

But hearing the name Prime Minister's daughter he snapped,

"Who says I'm going to marry Prime Minister's daughter?!"

Li Wei Wei was a little startled by his angry tone. She could his face started to turn cloudy and moody.

"Really! Then it's good! I thought you gonna marry her. I will take my leave first." She smiled relieved while she said that.

Before he could say anything else, she started to leave.

'She always left before I could say anything.'


Luxurious Tea Shop

Zhao Li is the only friend Feng Xujin had. A bit different from FengXujin, he is playful.

He is also one of the Lord Marquis's sons. They've been friends since childhood.

Feng Xujin considered Zhao Li one of the most annoying people he has ever met. But he also knows Zhao Li is very serious when it comes to work.

Planning a meet-up in the tea shop, Zhao Li and Feng Xujin currently occupied a private room in the corner. Far away from others.

"Our spy in the Mongolian tribes informed me that they are going to rebel. They plan to rebel next year." Zhao Li started the conversation.

"I am well informed about this. His majesty is currently trying to use the marriage as an alliance with them." Feng Xujin replied casually.

"But we don't have any princess. Will His Majesty pick one of the officials' daughters as a sign of the treaty? Pity the lady who's going to be chosen."

Hearing this, Li Wei Wei's face suddenly pops up in Feng Xujin's head. He is about to say something but Zhao Li interrupts him.

"I heard His Majesty gave special treatment to Minister Li's daughter Li Wei Wei. Is it because His Majesty already set his eyes on...."

Before Zhao Li could finish it, the sound of the wine cup shattered filled the room.

Zhao Li looked at his friend, he could feel the atmosphere in the room change in an instant.

With his hand bleeding due to glass piercing into his flesh. Feng Xujin finally let out a sentence,

"No one in this world can use her as a cannon fodder for their benefits even if it is the emperor."

Hearing this, Zhao Li discovered that Li Wei Wei is someone important in his friend's heart.

Trying to ease up the situation Zhao Li makes up an excuse,

"I'm just joking Jin er. Don't be so serious. I believe His Majesty will choose someone else."

Feng Xujin only glared at him. He unconsciously feels the need to protect her.


Unknown to them, a man is listening to their conversation. Feng Xujin would know if someone is eavesdropping their conversation but this man is also highly expert in martial arts.

That man managed to hide himself with much difficulty as he knew Feng Xujin's martial arts was no joke.

Smirking, he felt very satisfied that he gained the biggest secret of the great general. Seeing that Feng Xujin and his friend leaving, he comes out too.

He is the prince of a foreign country. His name is Daku Sin. He has been holding a grudge against the general because of their old fight.

"Li Wei Wei. How did you become this bastard's person? Pity you."

Daku Sin feels a bit sorry for her but he has no choice since she is the only way to defeat Feng Xujin.



A new character showed up!

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