Chapter 44

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"Call the midwife and a physician now!" Zhao Mama screamed on top of her lung. She was too panicked when she saw Li Wei Wei on the ground with water everywhere.

"Madam take a deep breath." She couldn't think anything. Zhao Mama even forgot to inform Feng Xujin as she is too busy to teach Li Wei Wei on how to breath.

Li Wei Wei on the other hand try to remain calm but the pain that starting to hit her wave by wave causes her to moan in pain. Earlier, she was getting ready to wake up from the bed but suddenly she realised that her lower body was soaked.

After she stand up, pain gathered on her lower body. Then the idea of her water breaking strucked her. She was too surprised that she accidentally sat on the floor. One moment later, Zhao Mama call for her but she was in pain so Zhao Mama barged in.

"Exhale... Inhale... Exhale... Inhale."

"Zhao Mama.. I'm okay. Can you please carry me to the bed?" Li Wei Wei don't want to add the dread so she handled the situation smoothly.

"Yes of course! This old woman forgot to help you as I was too panicked!" Zhao Mama hit her forehead after she realised her madam position.

Zhao Mama help her carefully get up from the floor and place her properly on her bed. Zhao Mama had never handled a pregnant woman who was about to gave birth so she don't know what to do.

"Madam do you want anything?" She asked Li Wei Wei.

"No. Zhao Mama did you inform Jin Jin?" From the moment she feel pain, she couldn't think of anything else except him.

She is afraid that she will die without seeing him for one last time. Her face frowning with pain. Sweat gathering on her face. She is in a great pain but she bear with it.

"Oh my greatest god! He is gonna be really mad! I will leave to inform his first!" Zhao Mama started to sprint for her life.

Once Zhao Mama leaves, she finally let out the sound of being in pain. It is impossible to hold the pain but she don't want anyone to get worry. Her eyes filled with tears.

Hand clutching on the mattress while the other one holding her stomach. Her back feels like it had break into two. Her head started to spinning.


"General! General! General!" Zhao Mama loud voice sounded through the manor. It risen the alarm among all of those who live in the manor.

"Madam is going into labor!" She barged into his study room without greetings. There's no time to waste anymore.

Hearing that, Feng Xujin and Zhao Li who were inside the room was in shocked. After a few seconds, Feng Xujin finally get himself together, and started to run. It was his first time running. He had never ran as it was unruly according to what he has been teach.

But today he ran, he ran for her and their child. He run like mad. Fear washes over him as he think of Li Wei Wei. The door of her chamber visible on his vision.

Barging in, he look everywhere for her in a mad way. His heart couldn't handle the fear that he feel. Once he saw her, his heart calm a bit.

"You came?" Li Wei Wei look at her husband who was in short of breath.

"Of course. Why haven't the midwife arrived?!" He was in rage. She was clearly in pain. Feng Xujin saw the way her eyes were swollen and red. She is pretending to be okay.

"The midwife and physician has arrived!"

A woman in her fifties make her appearance in Li Wei Wei' chamber. She rushed quickly to Li Wei Wei side.

"She need to gave birth now! Everyone get out!" The midwife asked them to get out but Feng Xujin don't want to.

Li Wei Wei hold his hand and gave him a nodded which mean she will be okay. But she knew her body couldn't held in any longer. She only wished to be able to see her baby for once.

"I'm okay."

"But I'm not." Feng Xujin stubbornly wanted to stay. But in chinese tradition, it is not proper for a man to stay inside a room where a woman gave birth.

"Wait outside. It is improper if you stay here."

She actually don't want him to see her in pain. He will break, she knows it. She want him to be strong for their child. Unwillingly walking out, he see her for one last time and the door closed.


"Why are they taking so long?" Feng Xujin was getting patientless.

"She is gonna be okay. Wait for some minutes more.." Zhao Li try to comfort him a bit.

All of them then kept quiet. Tension could be feel in their veins. It was a great moment but they are afraid something might happen.

One moment later, the sound of a baby crying out loud relieves them. All of them thanked the god for the blessings.

"It is a..." The midwife came out wanting to inform him about the baby gender. But Feng Xujin cut her off.

"How is my wife?" The midwife were quite shock by the question. It is because most of the father would asked the baby gender, not the wife's condition.

"She lost a lot of blood but she managed to gave birth normally. But her life... General should see her yourself." The midwife were somehow feeling sad for Li Wei Wei when she remembered a moment a while ago.

"You wouldn't be able to gave birth with this kind of condition!" The midwife sternly said. She could see blood soaking the mattress. It was not normal as it was in a great amount.

She look worriedly at Li Wei Wei. She is starting to lose her concious but she try her best to open her eyes.

"I'm fine! Quickly proceed! Don't tell him anything. I beg you. Even if anything happen to me, save the baby!" Words dripping weakly from her mouth.

"But.." Li Wei Wei nodded at her means that she agreed with any risks. The midwife worriedly proceed with the labor process.


Trying to stay focused for last time. It was so hard for her to stay conscious. It was impossible. But her will to see her husband for one last time is too strong.

When she heard her baby crying, her heart were filled with happiness. The fact that she is able to give him a descendant were ecstatic. She don't mind about the gender.

"Wei Wei." His voice clearly rang through her ears.

Through the blurry in her eyes, she still could make out his feature. She hold out her hand towards him and he grab it without any hesitation.

"Take care of our son." Yes she had given birth to a son. The midwife told her earlier.

"What are you talking about? We will take care of him together." Feng Xujin's eyes turning bloody red. He was trying so hard not to shed a tears.

"I love you." Her last words rang clearly. Then, she closed her eyes.



The end?
I am very sorry for being late updating a new chapter. 🙏🏻 Tysm for being patient.

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