50 : Peace

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Tempest lay in Galan’s arms, her ear listening to the thud of his heart against her ear. She had never been more content. Almost everybody had gone back home, and only the Lycan’s and their guests remained. 

“How are you feeling, love?” Galan asked.
Tempest chuckled. “As if you can’t tell,” she told him. 

He chuckled in turn. They were laying in the garden, the grass a natural carpet beneath Galan, so comfortable that they did not want to move.  “I just want to hear you say it.”

“I’m happy,” she told him, her grin slightly moving his T-shirt beneath her cheek.

“I’m sorry your parent’s had to go.”

“It’s okay. I know where to find them”

Adria and Kian had left a week before. They needed to reestablish their tribe and they had gone back home. Sadly they had lost some of their kin but they were determined to head back home and to restart their lives, restoring what they had lost. Spending a week with them did not make up for all the decades they had lost but Tempest had been happy to spend as much time as she could with her parents. 

“I must admit, you father scares the shit out of me. I almost thought he was going to kill me a couple of times.”

Tempest laughed out loud. “He almost did once or twice. You have no idea how close you were to becoming his chew toy.” Tempest laughed again as she heard Galan’s heartbeat kick up. “I wouldn't have let him hurt you though. Neither would mom.”

“That makes me feel a lot better. I would have been sad to see me get ripped apart for being your mate.”

“He’s just a big pussy cat,” Tempest chuckled.

“I’m glad Marc and Leon made peace with Natasha,” Galan told her, changing the topic.

Tempest sighed. “I told them they could stay at the cabins for as long as they wanted to. It’s a pity she lost her powers but at least she’s able to be with her children. I’m really glad they forgave her. I hope she can adjust to life as a Werewolf. She and Enoch seemed happy to reignite their relationship. I hope they can make it work this time.”

Galan’s “Hmmm,” was more to acknowledge what she said than to agree to what she was saying. “Did you really need to turn Ceres into rabbit for twelve hours?”

Tempest laughed again and Galan chuckled, his firm chest vibrating beneath her. “She had it coming. She’s lucky it wasn’t a mouse. I was tempted to do just that. She knows better than to mess with me now.”

Galan’s arms tightened around her, pulling her closer to him. “She thinks the world of you, though. In spite of it. I must warn you that she may demand payback.”

“Let her bring it. I have a bag full of tricks. Talking of tricks, did Damien ever tell you how he managed to pull off that Phoenix thing?”

Galan shook his head, no. “He said it was Dragon magic but didn’t say how it worked. He’s a crafty old lizard. I doubt he wanted to share his secrets with us.”

“Either that or he didn’t know. I’m inclined to believe it’s the latter though! He promised to bring his kids to visit soon. I can’t wait to meet them.”

“Talking of kids,” Galan whispered to her as he pulled her up so he could kiss her lips. “We never did talk about how many we would have.”

He loved how her cheeks seemed to burn and she bit her lips shyly. He kissed her soundly and then ran his thumb over her lower lip. “I must admit that I have been thoroughly enjoying the practice.”

He smiled broadly as Tempest quickly changed topics again. “I shall miss Aida and Samual. They were amazing in the war. Aida pulled everything together in so many ways. Everyone rallied together. It was unprecedented. I have never seen the supernaturals come together the way they did. Even those that naturally shy away from the others, like the Sylphs and the Ogres.”
“Enough talking about the war, my love,” Galan whispered as he nipped the tip of her ear with his teeth. “I want to practice making babies some more.”

Tempest’s blue eyes flashed golden as her were perked up her ears at the probability of that exercise. She growled deep in her chest and Galan smirked. Tristan and Rainey kept hinting that they were getting older and were looking forward to the sound of little feet running through the castle. The last set had been Ceres’s and that had been just over fifty years ago. Tempest kept pointedly ignoring their comments.

There was peace that had not been there for many years. Decades of preempting a war had left the supernaturals on edge for the longest time.  After everyone had been resuscitated by the Phoenix, a team had gone back to the Establishment to shut it down. When they got there, however, it was abandoned. 

Damien and Amelia burnt it to the ground.

Now, as Tempest and Galan stood up, they looked across the Lycan Kingdom and felt at peace. For now, a war had ended and there was no further threat to their kind.

For now, as they walked back to their home, they were content.

For now.

The end
31 December 2020

Wishing you all a happy new 2021 as I close off Tempest's story. Thank you for reading and all the best for 2021.

Much love.


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