19 : The Summoning

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"Noah, wake up."

As usual, the soft voice whispered in his ear, causing him to open his eyes. He saw her sitting next to him on the bed, a smile of her face.

"Morning, beautiful," he said to her.

"The test was successful. They are coming to get you," she said to him.

The effect on him was electric, making his excitement leap through the roof. He got quickly out of bed and got ready for the day. Just as he finished his morning routine, there was a knock on his door.

Liam, his second in command, stood outside, a grin on his face.

"You have to come and see. There has been a breakthrough," he said to him.

Noah looked behind him, to the woman who was still sitting on the bed with a huge grin of her own on her face. She nodded at him and he closed the door, hurrying behind Liam. They got to the lab in record time and his heart soared at the scene in front of him.

The serum had worked. The werewolf subject they had used was standing docilely in the pen, a silver collar around his neck. He was huge, a cross between a Werewolf and WereSabre. His canines were elongated, his arms massive, his body having almost doubled from what it had been originally.

He wanted to pump his hands in the air and yell in excitement but that was not fitting for a man of his stature.

"Continue with the rest of the subjects," he told Liam. "I want my army ready by the end of the month. Then, we go to war."


Adria's discomfort was higher than it usually was. She moved repeatedly on her sleeping mat, trying futilely to find a comfortable position and failing miserably. The silver collar around her neck still burnt her but it was now reduced to a dull throbbing, more a nuisance than anything else. She had been wearing the damn collar for so long now that it was almost a part of who she was. She signed and lay on her back, staring up at the stars above.

She had not seen Kian in weeks and she missed him terribly. She groaned as she moved again, her thin frame feeling every bump and grain beneath her. Her eyes suddenly caught sight of a figure moving slowly towards her. The movement was random, as though the body was uncertain. It was strange, and her attention was drawn to the approaching figure. Soon, the person was beside her and kneeled next to her. Unexpectedly, the figure took her hand and pressed a small object into it.

"Use it only when you need to," a voice whispered to her. "Ssh, don't speak. I have used a shielding spell and only you can see or hear me. Noah has succeeded. You do not have much time left. If you think what you went through here was bad, it will be nothing compared to what he plans to do."

Then, the person was gone. Adria looked around, not seeing the woman at all now. She did not know who it was and had seen nothing that would provide a clue to her even if she were to see her again. She slowly uncurled her fingers and her heart gave a little jump.

It was the key to her collar. She wrapped her fingers around it again and took a deep breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she took deep breaths to try and calm herself down. It was a masterkey and she knew that she could free everyone in here if she needed to. It was not practical, however, and she had to be strategic in how she used it.

She looked around her, seeing the pitiful creatures that she had been living with for decades. Tears pricked the back of her eyes and she closed them to stop them from seeping out and running down her face. She would not use the key now. She had to think it through and be wise about what she would do.

She turned onto her side and closed her eyes. Finally, after what seemed like hours, she fell into a fitful sleep.


It was decided.

Aida and Samual would go to Samual's brother to seek help from the Ogres.

Rainey and Tristan were headed to rally together the Lycans.

Faleya and Erdel were to send word to the rest of the Elvin people.

Reed and Otis, through Enoch, were tasked to send word to the Werewolves.

Aida and Faleya, however, had another urgent mission to address before Aida and Samual set off. They had to contact the hidden Dark Druids.

"Do you want to come and watch?" Aida asked Tempest, who had nodded eagerly. The three women were led by Faleya into a secured room near Erdel's office.

"It has a protection spell," Faleya explained. "Only people of my choosing can enter here."

It was a large room which they entered through a mini portal. What was intriguing about it, however, was that as they went through the portal, they found themselves in a large cave with a small fountain in the middle of the floor. The cave was comfortably furnished and looked lived in. As Tempest looked around, pleasantly surprised, a couple of Fairies flew towards them.

They were about half a meter tall, absolutely gorgeous, with pale blue skin and large translucent wings on their backs.

"Queen Faleya," the male Fairy greeted, followed by a bow from both her and his female companion.

"Gemma, Magnus," Faleya greeted them. "These are my friends, Aida and Tempest." They all nodded in acknowledgement. "Do you have everything ready?"

"Of course, your majesty," Gemma responded. They all turned and faced the fountain. Tempest had not seen the table that was set next to it before but it caught her attention. Now. It was covered with a cloth and she could not see its contents, however. Aida pushed her back slightly and told her to stand a little way away from the fountain. She, Faleya and the Fairies walked over to the table and started preparing for their beckoning spell.

Faleya and Aida each took a stone into their hands, Faleya a ruby and Aida a diamond. They stood on opposite sides of the fountain and stretched out their hands, palms up. The stones slowly raised from their hands as they started to chant something. A light suddenly shone straight up from each stone and speared the opposite gem. Above the fountain, a ray of light shot straight up to the roof of the cave and slowly spread across the roof of the cave, then the walls until a glimmering wall of light surrounded them in the cave.

Aida turned to look at Tempest with a small smirk and a wiggle of her eyebrows. Watching her, Tempest chuckled and rolled her eyes at her. Aida turned back to face Faleya and as Tempest watched, both their eyes turned snow white and their pupils disappeared. For a few seconds, their eyelids fluttered before their eyes returned back to normal.

Suddenly, three faces appeared between Aida and Faleya, as though Tempest was watching a 3-D movie. The faces of two men and a woman looked around inquisitively, as though they had been disturbed while carrying out various activities.

For a moment no-one spoke. Then, a man's face, with twinkling brown eyes and chestnut coloured hair, broke out with a big grin. He looked around at the men and women in the cave, his eyes lingering slightly longer on Tempest before they moved on.

"So that fucktard finally got himself sorted and is ready to try and take down the supernatural world. Well, it bloody well took him long enough." 


23 October 2020


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