23: No disrespect, but, no.

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Samantha and Daniel had made sure that the weres had cleaned everything up and that everyone was fine. There were six dead, however, and the mood was somber and filled with a thrumming anger that was palpable. The cries of the mates of the dead was something that had everybody on edge and after the Alphas had spent time with them, they met up with Tempest and Galan in the main house. Marc and Leon had gone to help with patrol duty, still furious at the fact that Vampires had made it into the territory and killed their kin.

“It has to have been the Dark Druids,” Tempest said as she paced in the small room. Nothing else made sense.

Galan nodded in agreement and turned to Daniel. “We have had similar attacks across the supernatural communities. Initially they were few and far between but now they are becoming more frequent.”

“What I don’t understand is how the Vampires managed to attack us during the day without turning to dust,” Samantha said. “How is that even possible?”

Tempest sat down with a groan and placed her head on the back of the sofa. She closed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. With a sigh, she opened her eyes again and looked toward Samantha and Daniel.

“The Druids have been conducting experiments on our people. I saw it a few days ago when my father attacked me,” Tempest said.

“What?” Samantha said as she looked at Tempest. She had a look of pure shock on her face. “I don’t understand,” she said. “I thought your father was dead.”

“I thought he was dead too,” Tempest said dryly. “It seems I was wrong. Seems I was wrong about a lot of things."

“You have to tell me what happened,” Samantha said. “Why did he try to kill you?”

“I don’t think he was trying to kill me,” Tempest said with a small frown on her face. “I think someone was controlling him. Similar to what happened with the Vampires. Their movements were too controlled, too much like puppets on a string.”

“Tell that to my dead pack mates,” Daniel growled and Tempest sighed again. Samantha leaned into Daniel and hugged him, the movement seemingly calming him down.

“This is exactly what we tried to warn you about,” Galan said in a low voice. “Your people are not safe and hiding here pretending that this war is going to pass you over is akin to you burying your head in mud and leaving the rest of you exposed.”

“You sanctimonious, self righteousness-“ Daniel roared as he stood up and Tempest had had enough. 

As soon as Daniel got up to confront Galan, Tempest was in front of him. So much power oozed off of her and pulsed through the room that it felt like a live wire had been switched on. For a moment it seemed like her skin glowed with static electricity and her hair stood on end.

“You will never again disrespect my mate, Daniel,” she stated. Although her voice did not rise above a whisper, there was so much power radiating from her that Daniel took a step back. The power continued to pulse around her and did not abate until Daniel dropped his eyes from hers. Slowly her hair came down until it was back to normal.

“Galan and I came here to warn you and to ask you to fight side by side with us against a common enemy. I can see our efforts were in vain, which is fine. Samantha,” Tempest said as she turned to her friend. “This war is coming and you will be caught in it at some point. I only ask that you be prepared.” 

With that she nodded at Samantha before she turned and walked out the house. Galan followed behind her, saying nothing as they headed to their cabin. Once they reached it, Galan slammed the door behind them, making Tempest jump a little. As she turned to face him, he spoke.

"That was --"

In an instant he was in front of Tempest, pulling her into his arms. His lips crushed hers in a kiss that curled her toes and made her gasp. As she did so his tongue was granted access into her mouth and he deepened the kiss. He hugged her closer to him and her arms wrapped around his waist. He pulled away after a moment, watching as her eyes slowly opened. Her plump lips were slightly parted and when her pink tongue peeped out to lick her bottom one, Galan groaned and leaned his forehead against hers, closing his own eyes.

He took a deep breath and then pecked her lips with his in a gentle kiss. He looked down at her and his lips turned upward in a smirk.

“Tempest, that was the hottest thing that I have ever seen,” he said as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “When you told Daniel off I didn’t know whether to be mad at you or kiss the hell out of you.”

Tempest chuckled as she listened to him. “I guess my were is a little protective of you,” she said with a smile. The smile slowly left her face as the gravity of their situation kicked in.

“Galan, if the Druids have the power to change Vampires from being nocturnal beings into those that walk during the day, the implications are mind blowing. Do you have any idea what a bargaining chip that would be for the Vampires? For millennia they have wanted that power and now it’s here.”

“It’s something that would definitely swing the Vamps towards the Druids’ corner. The thing is, it puts more strength in their corner and we end up with even more adversaries,” Galan sighed as he pulled Tempest back into his arms and laid his cheek on top of her head. She felt so good in his arms and he loved having her there. They stayed that way for a while before Tempest pulled back. 

“We have to get going. There’s nothing more for us to do here. Samantha and Daniel won’t change their minds anytime soon.” As she finished speaking she walked towards her room. “The boys are ready to go. We will be out of here in fifteen minutes.”

2 November 2020

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