Advice and Avarice

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     "I mean he said he only ever found one person in his life to be attractive. That's gotta be Sydney, his old girlfriend." Vincent ranted as he and Hailey walked the quad. They were careful to stay just out of earshot of any passers by in favor of Lucas' reputation. "I mean it makes sense cause they dated, but geez, you know... you remember Sydney, she was nothing to write home about for the 'only girl he's ever found attractive."

"Wait... the first time you said 'only person' but the second time you said 'only girl' which is it? Did he say 'only person' or 'only girl?"

"Does it matter?"

"Of course!" Hailey exclaimed. "If he said 'only person' it could be a boy or a girl! We'd have no idea."

"He dated a girl! We know it's a girl!" Vincent explained.

"Maybe he wasn't attracted to her. Maybe he just dated her because she liked him and he thought he should. Lots of young gay boys have girlfriends early on before-"

"Do you hear yourself?" Vincent interrupted. "Lucas Marshall, star of the soccer team, is not gay!"

"Do you know that for sure?" Hailey questioned.

"I... well... I mean he-" Vincent mumbled.

"Right. He very well could be."

"But I asked if he could tell if guys were attractive, and he said no. If he doesn't find guys attractive, then he can't be gay." Vincent insisted.

"No, it just means he's only ever found one person attractive. Perhaps a guy.. perhaps his best friend who he's obsessed with and who he grew up with..."

"Stop that right now." Vincent scolded. "And so what. Who's to say if I would even care?"

"You've been ranting for an hour. I think you'd care." Hailey chuckled.

"Well I wouldn't. He can think whoever he wants is attractive.... So long as it's not that bitch Sydney. Now, new topic."

"Okay." Hailey grinned. "There's a new rumor going around the school."


"Yeah... what's the biggest thing on campus right now?"

       "The soccer team?" Vincent suggested.

       "The soccer team, and Lucas." Hailey agreed. "So guess who the rumor's about."

        "Lucas?" Vincent asked. "Why do people have to be so annoying."

        "I know! But it's good."

       "Hailey!" Vincent groaned.

       "Shh! I didn't seek it out, but I came across it because everybody's talking about it."

       "What're they saying?"

       "Just about how he's been playing a lot better but he doesn't like to talk about his personal life. They speculated that perhaps he's got some new girl as a good luck charm and that she's helping him play."

"Good luck charm?" Vincent furrowed his brows, remembering that Lucas had often referred to him as a good luck charm.

"Yeah, and it's you, because he started winning again just as you got there." Hailey smiled smugly.

"It could be anyone." Vincent assured her.

"He's never had a girlfriend while he's been here. Isn't that interesting?" Hailey mused.

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