Cheery Thanksgivings and New Beginnings

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Vincent waited for Lucas against the car he knew belonged to his friend. He stood awkwardly hugging his arms to himself, wishing he had brought a sweater. A drop of water fell and landed on his forehead, he cursed quietly; it was going to start raining. Slowly more and more drops began pounding down and there was no sign of Lucas anywhere. Vincent held his hand over his face hoping to shield himself at least slightly, but by then it was pouring.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I got caught up at the door." Lucas called running up, soaking wet himself.

"I'm fine." Vinny said smiling at Lucas, but in truth he was freezing, and soaked.

"You'll catch a cold. Here." Lucas said handing Vincent his burgundy bomber jacket, and unlocking the car. Both climbed in, and Lucas grabbed towels from the back for them to sit on. "Good thing I bring these for after practice!" He mused.

"Good thing you've got leather seats." Vincent chuckled. "Thanks for driving me."

"Aw no problem... besides we're both alone for Thanksgiving, so I figure why not be alone together?" Lucas pushed the gear shift and pulled out of the rainy parking lot. Vinny liked watching him drive; he was so focused, and yet carefree at the same time. Vincent felt safe in the passenger seat, safer than he did in the driver's seat.

They passed by the empty streets of the small town in a comfortable silence, and Vinny found himself staring over at Lucas. His dirty blond hair curling from the water, with rain drops hanging from the tips.  His green eyes showed brightly against the dim backdrop of the rain. It reminded Vinny of all the things he had always loved about his friend. Lucas was more loving and generous than any other person Vincent knew, and he had been that way since they were kids.

"Sounds good to me." Vinny smiled. "We did always used to spend the holidays together."

"Yeah." Lucas smiled wistfully. "My family's never been big into holidays. Aside from church on Christmas morning we never do much, but you guys always had such nice holidays..,"

"We did." Vincent matched Lucas' smile remembering fondly the red and gold Christmases of past, old holiday music, and delicious food that shaped his childhood, that and Lucas' constant presence. "I guess my mom was really into that sort of thing."

"Yeah.. hey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up your mom, I'm sure it must be hard to be apart."

"No.. you're good." Vincent assured. "I'll see her for Christmas anyway, and besides I'm glad to have gotten to have what I've had, not everyone is so lucky."

"I'm glad you let me share in on your luck." Lucas grinned. "Want to go have a little Thanksgiving feast?"

"I'd love to." Vinny agreed eagerly. Lucas passed by a restaurant advertising a Turkey dinner and circled around the parking lot, but the lights were off and it appeared to be closed.

      "How do you like that? Turkey dinner, but closed on Thanksgiving." Lucas chuckled. "Chinese?"

      "Sounds great."


       At Lucas' house the rain had slowed down to a slight drizzle. The pair sat on the floor of Lucas' living room eating sesame chicken and fried rice for Thanksgiving dinner, but still having the best holiday either had in a while.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but... I'm sorta glad your plans fell through." Lucas admitted, taking a bite of his Lo Mein.

"Me too." Vincent grinned. "Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things."

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