Dares and Drama

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Dustin drove Vincent over to the address Lucas provided, talking about how cool Lucas was as he went. It was funny, Vincent thought, that Dustin had such a similar mindset surrounding Lucas and soccer players in general, as his boy crazy best friend Hailey. Vincent kept that musing to himself, sure that Dustin only admired Lucas, and didn't find him attractive like Hailey did. Admiration from people like Dustin wasn't the main reason Lucas and Vincent had fallen out, but it was definitely one of the contributing factors to the downfall of their friendship.

Vinny didn't like attention, and being friendly with Lucas always brought unwanted attention; attention Vincent was never prepared to deal with.

The party was already in full swing by the time they arrived, with crazy drunk people spilling out over the lawn and music blasting from the windows. Vincent followed Dustin inside where Lucas was waiting by the door. It made Vincent uncomfortable to believe that Lucas was waiting for him, so he assured himself he wasn't.

"Hey." Lucas called as they walked inside, "You made it." Lucas patted Vincent on the shoulder, in greeting.

"Lucas!" A female voice called, and Lucas looked over and rolled his eyes.

"The drunker they get the more they throw themselves all over me." Lucas joked, pretending to revel in his stardom. Vincent knew Lucas didn't care for people who wanted him because he was an athlete, or drunk people for that matter, and was probably just making rounds at the party. "I should go talk to her for a moment, she'll get all weird if I don't, but you two stay and make yourselves comfortable, and I'll be back."

Vincent watched as Lucas floated deeper into the crowd. The girl angered him, it wasn't like he was jealous, though, he just would have preferred to not be all alone with Dustin for an extended period of time. That problem solved itself as he turned to see Dustin had disappeared from beside him.

Vincent sighed, guessing he'd spend the party all alone, and slowly made my way over to a semi quiet corner. He desperately wished Hailey had come, but, of course, she was at home doing Ryan's homework. Ryan, who was at the party, not home resting for the next day, and was making out with some cheerleader on the couch. Gross.

Vincent couldn't really see any other familiar faces as he looked out in the crowd. Perhaps there were a few people he knew from school, perhaps there weren't; he really couldn't tell. Dustin came out of the kitchen with two drinks in his hands, and waved Vinny over to him.

"Want one?" Dustin asked, with a suggestive smile.

"I shouldn't." Vinny eyed the solo cup suspiciously.

"Why not? You need to have more fun." He began.

"How are we going to get home? You're already drinking, and you've got the car."

"I'm only having one." Dustin smirked, and handed him the drink. Vincent took the cup in his hand, and attempted a small chaste sip. It was absolutely awful, and he made a face as it burnt his throat going down. Dustin chuckled, and patted his shoulder, "Come on let's play a party game." Dustin grabbed his arm and led him over to a little circle where he recognized Marty sitting towards the corner.

"Hey." Lucas said as he came up behind Vincent, "I'm sorry I was gone, I.... Are you drinking?"

"A little." Vinny shrugged. "Why?"

"I didn't know you drank. Is somebody pressuring you, because you don't have to..." Lucas began disapproval evident on his face.

"Nobody's pressuring me.

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