My lil boo.

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Friday 8:30 pm:

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Friday 8:30 pm:

Once we got to the party and it didn't take long for the three of us to split up, after agreeing to meet in the kitchen every thirty minutes to make sure everybody was good.

I found myself a seat near the pool where I could people watch. A few girls were swimming in their underwear after some football players threw them in with their clothes on. One girl got out in tears because she was pushed in with her cellphone in her hand.

I went to the kitchen for the meet-up and sipped a wine cooler that Araceli grabbed for me. I became fascinated with some college kids doing keg stands. It was some of the dumbest shit id ever witnessed but I guess they had fun nearly choking on beer.

While walking around, some guy bumped into me and spilled a shot on my shirt. Thankfully I wore black.

"I'm so sorry, you want me to help you clean it off?" He asked, reaching for my hand.

"No, it's fine," I assured him.

With a still outstretched hand, "You sure?" He asked again.

"She said no, Andre." Someone said from behind. I turned around to see who it was that came to my defense.

In front of me stood a seemingly familiar face. He was tall, dark, and handsome. He had short curly hair and a diamond stud in his nose. I knew he didn't go to school with us, but I couldn't figure out where I knew him from.

"What's up, Bailey?" He said to me flashing a perfect smile and showing the dimples on his goateed face.

"Uhhh hi." I awkwardly greeted him still trying to remember who he was.

"You don't remember me huh?" He asked shaking his head smile never fading.

Embarrassed, I shook my head.

"Jordan from Mountain Park Middle School." He said refreshing my memory.

"Jordan!" I shouted remembering him.

In middle school, Jordan was the shortest kid in our class, but he was fast as we ran track together.

We kissed and dry humped on the school bus one night on the way home from a meet and then it became a regular occurrence. When it came time for high school he was placed at our rival school because of his address.

He laughed at my surprise. "They call me Big now."

"Big?" I asked raising a brow. That name could be taken in multiple ways when it came to him because I remember what I used to feel on.

"Take my number so we can link up." He suggested.

"Okay." I agreed, handing him my phone.

"Make sure you use it." He advised opening his arms, for a hug.

I accepted the embrace. He smelled so good. My lil middle school boo is a man now.

"Bailey!" Jazzy yelled out for me.

"Hit me up," Jordan said walking away past her and Araceli.

"Girl, who the hell was that?" Araceli said looking back.

"Yeah?" Jazzy chimed in.

"That's Jordan," I tell them.

"Jordan? Little Jordan?" Araceli asked remembering. "The one you used to be hunchin" Araceli made an air-humping gesture.

"Shut up. He said they call him Big now." I told them.

"Shit, I bet it is." Jazzy joked.

"Y'all ready to go?" Araceli asked finishing off her drink.

"Yeah, it's already 10. And you know when niggas get too drunk the guns come out." I told the two of them as we held hands and headed to the front.

As we walked down the street to where we parked the Jeep a black Infinity truck pulled up next to us and rolled down the passenger window.

"What y'all 'bout to get into?" Big peered out the window at us.

"Boy don't be rollin up on us like that. We thought niggas was gonna snatch us up." I shouted at him.

"I'll only snatch you up, if you want me to." He said showing his dimples again.

"Is that right?" Araceli screamed at him.

"Hey, Araceli." He greeted her. "I see y'all still rockin."

"Best friends 'til the grave!" We shouted.

"I'm Jordan but they call me Big." He said introducing himself to Jazlynn.

"I be forgetting Jazzy didn't go to our middle school," I said to them.

"Nice to meet you, Big," Jazlynn said putting emphasis on Big.

He laughed. "There's a kickback tomorrow night on the south side. Y'all should slide though." He invited us.

"Bet!" Araceli answered before I could.

"Aight. Y'all get home safe." He said driving off.

"Girl, you play too much," I told Araceli.

"Bitch I'm tryna get you some dick this weekend" she laughed as we hopped in the Jeep.

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