17 | Elvira

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The next day was moving slowly

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The next day was moving slowly.

It's literally when I want to avoid doing work that happens to be the same day I get more. I sometimes just want to throw my laptop at a wall and smash it. Frustration does get to me sometimes too.

We finished off any last pieces of work before we went to the airport. I went straight into the bedroom in the back of the plane and slept. The whole flight. Arya was banging on the door asking me to get up and from there I went straight home. Didn't even spare a glance at anyone because of how tired I was. 

Now here we are, the next morning with me working in my office again. It's Monday. This thought alone brings me anxiety.

"Ella, could you send Arya upstairs please?" I say into the phone, she replies saying yes and hangs up.

I quickly open up my emails to see that indeed today is the same day of the month again. 

It's fine. Nothing will happen if it goes smoothly. Just like every month. But that doesn't help me reassure myself because the fast beating of my heart isn't slowing down. 

"Yes?" Arya walks right in without even knocking. 

"Arya, it's the last day of the month," I look up from my hands and see her take a sharp intake of breath.

"How much?" She whispers. I swallow before answering.

"Three-hundred thousand," she narrows her eyes before slamming a hand down on the table.

"Elvira you can't keep doing this! This isn't your job. We get it you're their child but that doesn't mean they leave you with this burden." I sigh and run a hand through my hair. 

"I know but, in the contract, they wrote my name. I am their only child so it falls on me. It's the least I can do for them after..." I trail off not wanting to even word it. 

"Elvira. How many times should I tell you that it was not your fault?" Her eyes soften as they look at my face but I just give her a small smile. 

"It's fine. I just want you to remove this transfer from the financial report of this month." She doesn't move for a minute but then nods and leaves.

"I won't let them rob you Elvira. I promise." And she leaves with that.

But what can I do? I didn't tell this to anyone because of how sketchy it is. I don't want any word of this to leak to the press. I don't want the world knowing this. 

"I hope you are happy mom and dad that I am doing this for you. Even though it kills me to be paying off your debt." 

This debt. It's been and is one of the worst things that has happened to me. So much money and yet after three years, with constant amount growing each month, I can't pay it off. It is so much that I feel frustrated but I remind myself not to take it too much to heart.

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