Chapter 24

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"We should go back out there." Mason speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence we had gotten in. As much as I would love to sit stand in his arms all day, we have to go back out there and I want to spend more time with my family.

Mason pulls away and grabs my hand, leading me back to where our families are engaged in a conversation. Mason takes a seat and pulls me down beside him.

"So Alyssa," Arden speaks up "I've heard you're a brilliant Luna."

"She's better than brilliant." Mason chuckles, his arm around my waist squeezing me. I blush at the compliment.

"I'm alright, I'm getting used to it." I state with a shrug. My parents beam at me, not hiding their obvious proudness. My mother reaches over and grabs my hand, rubbing her thumb over my palm softly.

The gesture brings back so many memories. This has always been a signature comforting gesture from my mother. Whenever I was upset or ill.

"I hope Mason has been looking after you." My father speaks up, giving Mason a stern look. I feel Mason's slight panic in my head and stifle a laugh.

"He's been amazing." I assure my father, patting Mason's chest. "How is everything at home?"

"Life has gone on pretty much the same, although I think Arden misses you helping him with training." My father says, glancing at my brother "Although, there has been a few rogue trespassing lately."

Mason instantly sits up in his seat and I look at him, his face serious. I can tell he is thinking and I know what's on his mind.

Why are rogues trespassing on so many different packs?

'Your father is the delta, am I correct?' Mason mind-links me, although he doesn't actually look at me. His eyes stay on my father as he begins to talk with Tristan about the rogues.

'Yeah, he is' I reply, my eyes on my father.

"Frank." Mason speaks out. My father stops his talk with Tristan and turns to give my mate his undivided attention.

So far, it seems that my family have accepted Mason and it makes me proud. Proud to have a strong mate. Proud that I am his luna and proud he is my Alpha.

"May I speak with you in private?" Mason asks, standing up after giving my hand a quick squeeze. My mother looks up at my mate then glances at me in confusion.

"Of course." My father says, standing up and straightening his shirt. 

"Father, would you care to join us?" Mason asks, walking out towards the office. The two older man follow him without another word. 

Everyone left in the room turns to look at me with questioning eyes but I ignore it. There is no need for mass panic and Mason obviously didn't want everyone to know.

"Well," Rebecca speaks up from the opposite couch "we should all really get going. We'll see you all at ours for dinner later tonight."

Darcy, Will and Madison all get up as well and with some shouts of goodbyes, they leave. Just me and my family remain. My mother is the first to speak.

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