Chapter 31

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"Why are we going this way?" I speak up, swinging our intertwined hands between us.

We've been walking for a while now and I realize that we have walked away from the pavk house.

I frown up at my mate, I thought we would have gone straight back to Mason's office since I know he has quite a bit of work to do.

I was quite looking forward to snuggling up on his office couch and falling asleep.

"Uh I thought we could walk the long way back." Mason states, giving my hand a small squeeze "I heard walking is good exercise when you're pregnant."

I narrow my eyes at him. He's definitely being suspicious, not only did he hesitate but he would much rather me lay in bed all day than be out.

I'm sure he thinks that our bed will protect me from everything and the moment I step outside I'm in all kinds of danger.

"Okay..." I draw out, walking beside him. We're make it into the woods and it's peaceful.

The only sounds are the wind and a few mumbled from pack members, probably the pack patrol.

Mason has guards that walk around the pack constantly to ensure everyone is safe and behaving. Anyone that breaks the rules gets brought straight to him.

Comparing this pack to my old one, it is easy to see why Mason is such a successful Alpha. He has rules but not too many and they are all pretty fair.

No fighting. No tresspassing. No theft. No unauthorised crossing off the territory line.

All his rules are to keep everyone unharmed and happy. In my old pack most of the rules were put in place to make the lives of the Alpha easier.

I knew that some of the rules caused issues with some members. We used to have plenty of protests and riots from lower ranked wolves.

It used to make me so mad that I couldn't do anything about it. I'm only a Deltas daughter, even though I have some authority I don't have enough to change anything. Or go against the Alpha.

But now, here in our pack, I finally have a say in what happens.

Finally, after what must have been an hour, the pack house comes into view. I'm almost completely out of breath and mentally cursing my mate.

I'm too pregnant for this. A small walk is one thing but he's practically walked me around the entire pack! I'm surprised he didn't make me climb the mountains.

Annoyance bubbles in me and I feel like I'm minutes away from yelling at him. But then I glance up at him and it disappears.

He looks so happy, a grin on his face and mischievous glint in his eyes. Why do I have the sudden feeling that walk wasn't just for my health?

I continue walking beside him silently as we make our way up the steps to the pack house. I glance around with a frown, why is it so quiet?

A few hours ago there were people everywhere. Now it seems like they've all disappeared.

Mason tugs my hand softly and I look up at him. He gives me a huge grin before swinging the door open for me.

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