Chapter 12

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Everyone just erupts into cheers and applause making me jump slightly. Mason is grinning from ear to ear as he is pulled into hugs from everyone. Rebecca and Darcy both hug me, their lips are moving but my mind isn't registering it.

This is surreal. They are all so happy.

Tristan moves over and brings me in for a hug while the girls move to Mason. My mind is spinning and I feel like I'm going to get a headache.

"I can't believe this." Darcy breathes putting a hand on my shoulder "You're pregnant!"

"It's the amazing!" Rebecca remarks "You two are going to be wonderful parents!"

Mason looks at me with a smile and pulls me into his side, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"So, I have to ask," Tristan speaks up from behind his mate. He looks uncomfortable, as if he doesn't know the right way to approach his question "how are you pregnant?"

Ah there it is.

"Um," I start but my head begins to pound just thinking about it "Mason will explain. Can you just excuse me for two seconds?"

I begin to make my way out of the room, not waiting for permission because the contents of my stomach were not going to wait for anyone.

"Wait!" Mason calls, gripping my hand "Are you alright?"

I notice his family are all looking at me and it makes my stomach turn more, there is nothing I hate more than being in the spotlight.

"Yes." I say before racing out of his grip and out of the room. I don't know where I am going but I soon find a door open showing a toilet.

I speed in and slam the door shut. Just as the door closes, my time runs out and my stomach contents are unloaded into the toilet.

After retching for a few more minutes, I lean back and flush the toilet. I put my elbows on my knees and take a few deep breathes.

So much has happened in the past week and it's making my head spin. I got taken from my home without saying goodbye to my mother and brother, I been living with my mate, I'm pregnant and I have a whole new pack to take care of.

I don't think I could handle anymore surprises for a while.

I stay in the same position, breathing deeply, for a few more moments before there is a knock on the door.

"Love, can you let me in?"

I reach over and turn the lock of the door, a wordless way of letting him in.

Sitting back on the ground, I watch as Mason squeezes himself through the door before closing it again behind him.

His eyes scan over me, checking i'm alright before he takes a seat on the floor next to me.

His arm wraps around my shoulders and he pulls me into him. I let out a sigh and rest my head on his shoulder.

We stay there, sitting in silence for a couple of minutes before Mason finally breaks it.

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