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the weekend has officially started. should i go out today? maybe i should go shopping! i decided after thinking for a while. i changed into casual clothes and left the house. on the way to the mall, i had to pass saiki's house to get to the mall quicker. as i passed his house, i saw him leaving and closing his front gate. "oh, hey saiki!" i greeted him. "what are you doing here?" he asked me without saying hi back. "ok just don't say hi back i guess." i said as i rolled my eyes at him. "hi." he finally greeted me. "i'm on my way to the mall, where are you going?" i asked him. "i'm going to the mall as well." he said as he locked his gate. "what are you getting at the mall?" i asked him out of curiosity. "you're so nosy." saiki said as we walked side by side. "she's gonna tease me if i tell her i'm getting a coffee jelly machine." the psychic thought to himself. "i read your thoughts and i know what you're buying." i laughed. "sometimes i forget you have psychic powers since you rarely use them." he said as he rolled his eyes. "a coffee jelly machine?!" i said as i burst out in laughter. "stop laughing at me." saiki glared at me. "i find your coffee jelly addiction cute." i giggled. "cute?" he asked. "yes." i said plainly. "oh." the psychic didn't know how to react to your comment. it made him feel some sort of way, but he didn't know what it was that he felt.

once we entered the mall, this cute shirt caught my attention. "you can get your coffee jelly machine later, come with me!" i said as i grabbed saiki's hand. you've grabbed his hand before, but for some reason, this time it felt different. instead of objecting, he just followed you into the clothing store since he was too flustered to say anything. i let go of his hand and grabbed two shirts. "which one is cuter?" i asked saiki for his opinion. "i don't know." he said as he looked carefully at each shirt. "i think you should get rid of that one, it looks too small." saiki voiced his opinion. "that's because it's a crop top, it's meant to be like that." i giggled. "i'll try it on, tell me what you think." i said making my way to the fitting rooms. i put the shirt on and showed saiki. his emotionless face makes it hard to read him. "are you saying that on purpose for me to hear, or did you just completely forget the fact that i can read minds?" he said giving me an annoyed look. i gave him an innocent smile. "you never told me what you think of the shirt." i said, my smile turning into a frown. "it's too short to count as a shirt." he spoke his mind. "what are you? my dad?" i rolled my eyes. "i don't care, i'm buying it." i said with a smirk. saiki said nothing, but just rolled his eyes. on the outside, he looked annoyed, but on the inside he was more flustered than before. "she would tease me endlessly if i admitted that she looked pretty." he thought to himself, unaware that i read his mind. i decided not to say anything, but just take the compliment. "why is your face red?" saiki snapped me out of my thoughts. "oh, it's nothing." i said as i cupped my cheeks with my hands. i'm totally not blushing right now, you didn't see shit.

"are you almost done???" saiki asked as he was starting to get impatient. "how long does it take for you to shop?" he asked in disbelief. "i can shop for the whole day." i said as i looked through several pairs of jeans. "well, i don't have all day." saiki complained. "fine, let me just get one more pair of jeans then i'll pay for everything." i said as i checked a price tag on the pair of jeans that i liked. "damn, this one's so expensive!?" i sighed, putting the jeans back on the clothing rack. after i finally found a good pair of jeans in my budget, i payed for all the clothes i picked out. "are you rich?" saiki asked, speechless because the final cost was much higher than he expected. "no, i just saved up for a long time and decided to treat myself today." i said struggling to grab all the shopping bags. "you got so much clothes you can barely carry all of it." saiki mentally face palmed, but grabbed the rest of the bags and some of them off your hands as well. "thank you." i thanked him for helping out.

after saiki bought his coffee jelly machine, he had such a happy look on his face. i'm pretty sure this is the most emotion he's ever shown me. saiki heard your thought, but was too happy with his purchase to care. "let's take a break, my body is aching." i complained as i sat down on a nearby bench. "that's your fault for buying so much clothes." saiki said as he sat down next to me. "i'm treating myself, ok??" i glared at him. "you can't say shit, you just bought a whole ass machine for coffee jelly." i sassed him. saiki didn't know what to respond with so he just rolled his eyes at you.

while we were resting, saiki noticed a certain blue haired girl and her pervert of a brother. "hey, we should get going." he suggested. "but i'm still tired." i objected. i wanted to rest for a little longer, but saiki didn't give me much of a choice when he grabbed my hand and dragged me to a photo booth. "what... the... hell!?" i said in between breaths. "i spotted a pair of extremely annoying siblings." he said plainly. "that's why you made me run all the way here?!?!" i said in disbelief. "yes." saiki said giving me a guilty smile. "you're ridiculous." i laughed. we stopped laughing when we realized we were still holding hands. i quickly let go and it got very awkward. i then realized we were in a photo booth and suggested that we take pictures. "no." saiki objected. "please???" i said with a pleading look on my face. "fine." he finally gave in.

i posed for the first picture and put my arm around saiki. "come on, could you at least smile for one picture?" i begged. "okay." saiki said as he smiled and threw up a peace sign. we finished up and waited for our pictures to print. "oh my god, the pictures turned out so good!" i commented. "here, you can take this set of pictures and i'll take the other." i said giving him the other set of pictures. "now we have memories of today!" i said with a smile. i earned a genuine smile from saiki as well. "today was really fun, but i think we should both head home. it's getting pretty late." i suggested.

"wow, i didn't even realize how dark it had gotten." i said as we walked outside. "because we've been inside the whole time, idiot." saiki said pointing out my stupidity. i just rolled my eyes at him. "it's really cold too." i said, hugging myself as i shivered. "your fault for wearing a crop top." this time, he was pointing out a bad decision i made. i rolled my eyes at him for the second time. "wait a second." saiki said stopping on the sidewalk. he put all the bags he was holding down and took off his sweater. "what are you doing? it's cold, put your sweater back on." i nagged. "you, idiot. i'm giving you my sweater since you're cold." saiki said regretting his decision to be nice. "but what about you?" i asked him out of concern. "good grief. i'm fine, just take my sweater." he said forcing it into my hands. "oh, thank you saiki." i thanked him as i put the sweater on. "it's so big on you." he commented. "yeah yeah, thanks for pointing out how fucking small i am." i said sarcastically. "i didn't mean it in a bad way. i think you look cute." he complimented me. saiki quickly covered his mouth after he realized what he just said. "thank you." i thanked him and looked away since i didn't want him to see me blushing again. saiki used his powers to hide the fact that he was blushing as well.

"we're here." i finally got the courage to speak up. "what?" saiki asked. "we're here... at your house." i pointed out the obvious. "you're gonna walk home by yourself?" he asked me with a confused tone in his voice. "yes." i answered. "it's late already plus it's dark out. i'll walk you home." saiki offered. "oh okay." i agreed. "let me just put my coffee jelly machine inside really quickly." he said before hurrying inside. "okay." i said as i patiently waited outside. once he was back, we continued walking.

"here, let me just take those." saiki said as he took all the bags from my hands. "are you sure?" i asked him because i didn't want to make him carry everything. "yes, i literally have super strength." he joked. "i forget about our powers sometimes." i laughed. "more like all the time." he said making me laugh more. "i don't know, it's just that sometimes, i want to be normal so bad that i just push my powers to the back of my head." i confessed. "i wish i could control my powers like you can. i want to be normal too." saiki said venting about his powers as well. "but you know, normal is boring and i don't want to be boring." i said trying to cheer him up. "i guess you're right. powers are useful sometimes." saiki agreed. "yeah, you're right." i smiled at him.

"well, we're here." i said as i stopped in front of my house. "this is your house? you don't live too far from me." saiki said as he handed me all my shopping bags. "i didn't even realize how close we live to each other." i laughed. "oh, what about your sweater?" i asked him. "just give it back to me at school." he replied. "well, good night, saiki! thank you for today." i thanked him and waved goodbye. "good night." saiki said as he waved goodbye and teleported home. i went up to my bedroom and placed all my shopping bags in front of my closet. i then put the pictures of me and saiki in a picture frame and set it on my bedside table. i laid down on my bed and sighed contentedly. saiki makes me happy in a way others can't.

author's note:
i really need to widen my vocabulary LMFAO
lol anyway, i think this is my longest chapter so far !!

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