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"i have it all figured out. i asked an extra person for help because we're gonna need it. we're gonna have a meeting soon, you come too."

once we arrived at the hotel, we watched everyone walk inside, saiki and i staying behind. we made sure they entered the building then proceeded with our plan. "so who's this mystery person?" i asked out of curiosity, but got upset when he didn't answer and just continued walking and walking.

"this is the mystery person?" i asked in disbelief. "it's not like i wanted to ask him for help! who else could i ask? he's the only one besides you who knows about my powers." saiki argued. "you have a point, but i still don't like this." i inched away from the pervert who was trying to put an arm around me. saiki gave him a threatening glare signaling for him to stop trying to touch me. "that's my girlfriend you're trying to throw yourself at, toritsuka." saiki looked like he was trying to stop himself from slapping the shit out of him. "you guys are dating?!" he asked in disbelief, surprised that no one bothered to tell him a thing. "that's not important right now, we have a volcano to stop from erupting!" i yelled, getting frustrated with the boy. "yeah, sorry." he apologized.

"my plan is to suppress the eruption in the volcano itself, but it would end up erupting anyway, just in different locations, and to prevent that from happening, i will have clones of myself go to the different locations and stop the eruption there. does that make sense to you guys?" saiki asked for confirmation. "yes, it makes sense to me, but what will toritsuka and i be doing?" i asked. "toritsuka will take my place and act as a distraction so the others will not wonder where i am. you will do the same as my other clones which means you're going to be stopping the eruption at a different location as well." saiki explained. "okay, sounds good." i gave him a thumbs up, letting him know i was all caught up. "why do i get such an unimportant role?!" toritsuka cried out. "what do you mean? that sure as hell is important! you're preventing the others from being suspicious of saiki!" i yelled at him. "what about you? we don't have a distraction for you!!" toritsuka said. "just tell them i needed to stay back at the hotel because of period pains or something!" i answered. "okay, okay, fine." he sighed.

the next morning, everything was set and we were ready to carry on with our plan. toritsuka went to the hotel to meet up with our friends and saiki used his powers to make toritsuka look like him. as for myself, i was in the location i was meant to be at and all the other clones were in place. saiki went to the volcano alone.

everything was going as planned and each of the clones and i were using all our force to teleport the magma somewhere else. saiki told us that teleporting it to space was good enough. it took a lot of energy, but it was going well so far and i was sure that we would be able to do it. we teleported the magma in small batches and after most of it was gone, we just had 30% more to go. it was harder than we thought it would be and saiki had to step in on the last part.

the rumbling stopped and saiki and i collapsed to the floor. "are you alright?" he asked me. "yes, and you?" i rolled over to my side to look at him. "yes, i'm good." we both sat up and i embraced saiki in a huge hug. "we did it! i thought things were about to go downhill for a second." i hugged him tighter, not being able to handle thinking about what could've happened if we had failed. "but it didn't, right? we really did it-" he started, but stopped and i felt him freeze in my arms. "what?" i let go and turned around to see our friends standing behind us. "oh shit." i cursed after realizing what situation we were now in.

"what's going on? what are you doing, saiki?" kaidou asked, a look of shock and disbelief shown on his face. "why are there two saikis?!" kuboyasu asked, shocked as well. i mean who wouldn't be shocked in this situation? "toritsuka, what the hell happened?!" i yelled at him through telepathy. "they insisted on going to see the volcano, but i tried to stop them and that's when they got suspicious. they were all grilling me and i couldn't stop them!" he explained. of course they all wanted to see the volcano. saiki and i shared that thought and we both mentally face palmed.

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