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your pov:
time sure flies by fast. it's already new years... i was laying in bed, deep in thought. while i was doing so, my mom came into the room. "here's your new years money. buy yourself something nice!" she said, handing me a small envelope full of money. "thank you, mom." i thanked her before she left the room. i shouldn't spend any more time cooped up in my bedroom because of a guy. i should treat myself today! i decided to go to the mall after giving myself a whole motivational speech. i changed into a really nice outfit and styled my hair. today, i will focus on myself!

once i entered the mall, i froze when i saw that the psychic that had been stuck in my mind was roaming the mall in front of my eyes. all the efforts i made in getting my mind off of saiki were wasted. how am i supposed to focus on myself when the cause of my problems is right here in the same building as me?! why did it have to be today? he couldn't just wait a day to go shopping? maybe i should just go home... no! what are the chances of us bumping into each other anyway? it's not like he's going to the same stores as i am. after thinking long and hard about it, i just decided to stay and shop.

my first stop was to get coffee. i didn't get much sleep last night because of a certain someone! i rolled my eyes after recalling last night's tossing and turning. coffee will wake me up. i ordered the drink that i usually get every time i get coffee. after paying for my drink, i sat down at one of the booths to wait. i scrolled through my phone to occupy myself so i don't get bored.

"y/n? what are you doing here?" is that who i think it is? i looked up and saw saiki standing in front of me. "i'm getting coffee. what else would i be doing here?" i answered him, keeping my eyes glued on my phone. "can i join you?" he asked. "no, you most definitely cannot." i got up from my seat and picked up my order. right on time. this coffee saved me. i feel bad for being mean, but it serves him right for leading me on.

i walked out of the coffee shop with my drink in hand and started making my way to my favorite clothing store. i was looking at all the different outfits on display when i noticed something in my reflection. a certain someone was standing behind me. is he a stalker? "why are you following me?" i asked, not even bothering to turn around. "is something wrong?" saiki asked. "what do you mean?" i asked, acting oblivious. "stop pretending. you're pushing me away. if there was nothing wrong then you would've let me hang out with you earlier." he said, walking closer to me. "i just need some alone time, that's all. you're the one that told me that it's better to be alone." i reminded him. "look at me." the psychic said, putting a hand on my shoulder and forcing me to face him. i avoided eye contact and stared at the ground instead. "y/n. look at me." saiki demanded. i slowly lifted my head and looked him in the eyes. "tell me what's wrong." he said, putting his hands on both of my shoulders. "nothing." i don't want to admit to him why i'm upset. "i don't want there to be conflict between us, please just tell me." he said with a softer tone this time. "you're gonna think the reason why i'm upset is stupid." i said as i crossed my arms. "i promise you that i won't, just tell me so i can apologize and fix it." saiki said, using his voice this time. it's almost as if he was searching for the answer in my eyes. my eyes give away my emotion and i hate that about myself. he was awaiting my response, but i refuse to say it. "saying it wouldn't matter anyway because you already have teruhashi." i said, removing his hands from my shoulders. i looked him dead in the eyes and gave him my coldest glare. "this means nothing to me like it means nothing to you." i said before making my exit.

fuck shopping, i can't do this right now. i went to the rooftop of the mall to get some fresh air. the mall was starting to get suffocating with all the people crowding around and the fact that it was indoors. i used clairvoyance to make sure that saiki wasn't following me. when i was sure that i was alone, i neared the edge of the building. i looked below me and watched as cars drove by and people walked along sidewalks. there was a pretty, pink and purple sunset signaling that nighttime was getting closer. the sight of the pink and purple sky calmed me down. i put in my earphones and listened to my favorite music. i sat down on the edge and watched the sun go down.

saiki's pov:
"this means nothing to me like it means nothing to you." that line replayed in my head over and over again. y/n's cold glare sent shivers down my spine. i've never seen her like that before. she was always happy and had a smile on her face, but today, she was a whole different person. "this means nothing to me like it means nothing to you." it replayed in my mind once again. what did she mean by that? did all the time that spent together not mean anything to her? the thought of that made me upset. "saying it wouldn't matter anyway because you already have teruhashi." why did she bring up teruhashi? i was trying to figure out why she told me that when i realized something. the day of my "date" with teruhashi, we went to the arcade and i remember hearing a thought from someone, but i didn't know who it was at the time. "are they on a date?" that thought belonged to y/n. how could i be so careless? i was so focused on trying to get away from that pervert, i didn't think about my actions! i need to fix things.

author's note:
thank you all for reading and for the votes!! i finally hit 1K reads!!! i thought this wouldn't get reads at all so it's really crazy to me. anyway ily all <33

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