18| Logical

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Chapter 18: Logical (Archer's POV)

It was now the next morning and I was leaving my room for breakfast. Because Evelyn's room is right in front of mine, we normally go together. I stepped out of my room, expecting to see her doing the same. But she wasn't. I stood there and waited for five whole minutes. But she still wasn't out. I knocked on her door. 

"Come in!" 

I opened the door and stared at her. 

She was all dressed for the day and everything, but she was lying in bed, scrolling through her phone with her earphones plugged in. 


She looked up and waved tiredly. 

"Breakfast? Hello?" I pulled her earphones out, standing beside me. 

She shook her head, snatching her earphones and plugging them back in. "There is no way I'm going downstairs after what happened last night," she mumbled. 

I sighed, watching her. "You know you can't stay up here forever, right?" I noticed her pushing the volume all the way up until I could faintly hear the music pouring out. I knelt beside the bed, pulling her earphones out. 

She turned her head to look at me, a small pout on her lips. She paused the song and looked back at me. 

"No one is going to say anything. If they do, I'll shut them up, okay?" I asked softly. 

"You are very biased," she mumbled. 

"You're the only girl here that I chose. Of course, I am. Come on," I nodded. I stood up, holding my hand out. 

She left her phone on the bed with her earphones and stood up, pulling her nude flats on that went with her soft peach dress. She grabbed my hand, flicking the lights off to her room as I led her out. 

"If anyone says anything, you will just ignore it, understand?" I whispered, linking her arm with mine. 

"Yes, sir," she chuckled. 

We entered the dining hall and her arm slipped out of mine. I pulled a chair for her beside me and then we both took our seats. Everyone else came and we all ate in silence, everyone clearly hesitant to break it. "Were you all right last night after I left?" I turned to Evelyn, not bothering to whisper and not caring if anyone heard. 

Nobody cared about her feelings last night but me. Why should I care about theirs? 

"What are you doing?" she whispered, looking at me in shock. 

"I'm asking you a question," I shrugged. 

Everyone was listening to our conversation. But this is how it is in royalty. And I want us to get past this. Someone is always going to have their eyes on us, we best get used to it. 

"Yes, I was all right. Thank you for staying for that long," she mumbled, her eyes trained down on her plate. 

This is the worst breakfast we've had so far, without a doubt. Luckily, it went by fast. I was heading back upstairs when my mother grabbed my arm. 

"What are you doing?" she hissed at me. 

"What am I doing?" I asked, pulling my arm out of her grasp. 

"That village girl-" 

"She has a name and she's not just a village girl," I seethed. 

She huffed, "Evelyn is not right for this family. I thought you would see that after the tantrum she threw last night." 

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