43| Knot

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Chapter 43: Knot (Evelyn's POV)

"Now tell me, am I forgiven yet or not?" he huffed, his shoulders slumping. 

I eyed him thoughtfully. "No," I shook my head. 

"Why?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me. 

"Because even though what happened isn't your fault, it is your fault that you didn't tell me. I don't care what the reason was. You thought I wouldn't understand, you thought I would leave, I don't care. You should have told me, that's it." 

"Evelyn, are you serious?" he deadpanned. 

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I retorted. I went into the bathroom, closing the door to pull the dress off but he pushed it back open. I sighed, staring at him. 

"No, I'm not taking no for an answer," he shrugged. 

"I'm not saying yes as an answer," I replied, closing the door again. 

He opened it again but just an inch. I could see him through the crack in the door when I looked in the mirror. He wasn't looking at me, he kept his eyes down as I started reaching for the zipper. I managed to unzip myself all the way but the hook at the top of the zip wasn't coming undone. It could have gotten stuck. I sighed in frustration. I can't even shimmy this one off. 

"Evelyn, please," he groaned. 

"I said no, Archer," I snapped. 

"Fine! Fine, I'll make it up to you, then you can forgive me when you're ready. Is that fair enough?" he bargained. 

"Yes," I huffed. 

"Do you need help? You sound like you're struggling," he mumbled. 

I opened the door, glaring at him. 

"What?" he asked in confusion. 

I rolled my eyes, stepping aside. He stepped inside and waited for me to turn around. I did, resting my hands on the countertop. He hesitated but then lifted his hands to the hook. I stared down at the faucet instead of looking at him until he sighed. "It's stuck, hold on." He leaned down, unhooking it with his teeth. 

I nearly shuddered when he got that close. I could feel his breath on my neck. 

"There. I may or may not have um... broken it. But it opened," he cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. 

"Thank you," I said while opening the door for him, waiting till he left. 

"Will you..." It's like he doesn't know how to talk to me anymore. 

"What?" I raised my brows at him. 

"Will you come to my room tonight?" 

"Do you think I'll come to your room tonight?" 

"Evelyn, I'm just asking." 

"We're fighting." 

"We're disagreeing, not fighting. Will you?" he asked, taking a step closer to me. 

I looked up at him, the height difference increasing when he got so close. I had to look up quite a bit. "I don't think I should be there," I shook my head. 

"I love you, I want you there," he shrugged. 


"Fine," I agreed grudgingly. "You go host your party now. Enjoy your night," I said, grabbing my robe that hung behind the door. 

"Yeah, right. As if that's possible now," he mumbled to himself as he turned around and left, loosening his tie on the way. When he left my room, I followed him out, watching from my door. He walked like he just found out Santa isn't real. He was sulking. Even his walk was sulking. 

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