19| Discipline

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Chapter 19: Discipline (Evelyn's POV)

It was now the next day and we were all waiting for his grandmother's arrival. We aren't permitted to have lunch until she arrives and joins us. And right now, she's late. 

I watched as all the girls took their seats, waiting with annoyance painted all over their faces. I was still standing, leaning against one of the pillars with my arms folded across my chest as I waited. I sighed, feeling my eyes get droopy. It's exhausting waiting for so long and I really want to take a nap right about now. 

"Hello," I heard a whisper. 

I jumped, looking to my left where I heard it. 

Archer came around the pillar, standing beside me. "Hmm, here," he smiled, handing me a pink camellia flower. 

"You pluck a flower every single day. That can't be good," I said, looking up at him. 

"We have flowers everywhere, taking one doesn't hurt anybody," he mumbled. 

"Really?" I arched a brow at him. 

"Really," he smirked, leaning in closer. 

I opened my mouth to reply but then we heard the doors being opened. Archer and I both straightened up and I took a step to increase the distance between us. 

His grandmother walked in and started scanning the room while all the princesses stood up. 

He grabbed my arm, pulling me closer. I stared at him, slightly surprised while he looked right at the front. He tugged at my arm lightly before making his way over to his grandmother and I followed behind slowly, standing with the other girls. He went and greeted her, then his father did, and then his grandmother completely ignored his mother, her daughter-in-law's existence. 

She then walked over to us, looking at all our faces, her eyes locking in place with mine. 

I felt my heart pounding against my chest. 

She is a very intimidating woman. "Lady Beatrice Grimaldi," she introduced herself, taking a curtsy. 

"Evelyn Harrington," I also took a curtsy. 

"Princess of?" She arched a brow at me sharply. 

"I'm not a princess." I gave her a small smile. 

"Citizen of?" 

"Zariya, of course." 

She nodded, her eyes scanning me up and down before she let out a smile. "I like your dress." 

"Thank you." 

She moved to the next girl and I let out a small breath. 

Archer stood a few feet in front of me, smirking at me. He gave me an 'I told you so' look and watched his grandmother greeting the others. 

After greeting everyone, she came back to me. "Just one question, darling..." She glanced at Archer, then back at me. "Who gave you the flower?" 

I looked down at the flower in my hand and then at Archer. He shrugged and I turned to his grandmother. "Archer did," I answered. 

"Very well," she sighed, turning to Archer. "And who is your choice?" she asked. 

He leaned down to her ear, whispering a name. 

She nodded and then finally turned to her daughter-in-law. "And you?" 

"Chloe seems great," his mother said not-so-quietly. 

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