40. A Bullet

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Song: Might bang, might not - Little Simz





If he worked for MI6 then the promise of freedom that I had been given was just an illusion, but what role did I play in his plan?

"Now on to Mr Acerbi."


My head was swirling, my body aching and my skin sweating so much that little droplets of water were beginning to fall onto the ground.

I didn't want to hear anymore.

And yet, I did.

I wanted to know how Romano had betrayed me. I wanted the trust that I put into him to shatter and fall to the ground, to prove to me that it was my fault. 

That I never should have trusted him in the first place.

I wanted a reason to hate him and this man seemed to have the key. 

"Mr Acerbi, " he spat with such venom, I it took me aback a little, "unfortunately isn't stupid as he pretends to be, he knew all along about Jamie's little tie-up with his pals in MI6." 

He stopped for a minute, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and twirling it with two fingers, "but that begs the question if he knew, why did he let it happen?"

He leaned against the wall, staring at his fingers as they twirled the cigarette, his body looking delectable as he did so.

"Now, let me tell you something about Acerbi, something I'm sure you don't know about our relationship."

He took out a lighter, and lit his cigarette, taking a drag and blowing the smoke upwards, concealing his face for a few short moments before it emerged again under the cloud of smoke, his hair pushed backwards so that his scar was on full display.

"As I'm sure you know, Romano is not a good man. In fact-"

"Why are you doing this?" I interrupted, my voice barely above a whisper.

I hung my head low, staring at my dirtied shoes, my badly dyed hair covering my face.

He hummed shortly, a beat of silence following after as the sound of him taking another drag filled the room.

"So many reasons Adelaide, so many." His voice was low and gravelly, almost a whisper.

I looked up to him, my eyes cold as ice, refusing to back down. 

Something about this man, something indescribable, pulled me toward him and made me forget about the zip ties tied around my wrists, as stupid as it was.

"No more interruptions," he broke eye contact and took another drag of the cigarette, "hold your questions until the end of the tale I'm going to spin for you, things are just getting interesting."

Things were just getting interesting?

"Are you aware of the fact that Romano slaughtered our parents?"

I nodded nonchalantly, he had told me that in The Lions Den.

He chuckled, "I don't think you heard me correctly, let me repeat myself, are you aware of the fact that Romano slaughtered our parents?"

I was about to tell him that I had heard him, but I held my tongue.

Did I hear that correctly?

Our parents?

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