18. The Lion's Den

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Song: People I Don't Like - UPSAHL





"I don't like you, Adelaide." He stated before turning to leave the room.

Silence engulfed the room for a few moments causing me to let out a deep sigh and slump into the chair, taking a long drink of my coffee.

"So, Jamie, what's our exit strategy?"


As everyone slowly filtered out of the stuffy meeting room I hung back, too mentally exhausted from not only the constant planning, but from the lack of sleep I had experienced in this household.

When living in MI6 headquarters I often had a hard time sleeping but never to this extent. 

At one point it was so bad that I had pleaded for something I could play music with to help me fall asleep but even then it was never this terrifying.

I curled up on the leather sofa and looked at the bottom of my empty mug that was previously filled to the brim with steaming coffee, now drained to dregs.

"You have him wrapped around your finger," Malcolm stated, leaning against the wall opposite the sofa.

He hadn't left.

I looked at him quizzically. 

If he was talking about Romano, then he was sorely mistaken. 

He had just admitted that I hadn't proven myself enough to him and the team, not only insulting me but my skills, which I held in high regard.

"Both Jamie and Romano, I mean," he clarified, making me lean forward in interest with what was coming out of his mouth.

"How so?"

His icy blue eyes drilled into my green ones as a sly smile curved his lips upwards.

The temperature of the room felt as if it had dropped a few degrees, as his cold eyes stared into mine.

"You gave computer boy a shit ton of work to do and he didn't even bat an eyelash." 

When I didn't reply he continued to speak,

"Then, you had Romano agree to a plan he didn't like with just your words." His gaze travelled across my face, slowly taking in my features.

I didn't know how to reply to his various observations.

What was so wrong with having them around my finger? 

Being in Romano's household gave me more freedom to explore who I was and in response, different sides of me were coming up. 

Sides that I didn't have the chance to see and explore in MI6.

It was natural, really.

I contemplated how I should respond.

He surely knew that I didn't actually trust him, right? That I was just using him so that I didn't have to get close to a gun?

"You don't trust me but yet you gave me such a big part in your scheme." His cool voice declared.

"Do you often make obvious statements based on pointless observations?" I challenged him, my voice steely and demanding respect.

His laughter was an unexpected but a sight that I graciously welcomed, a deep rumbling chuckle which complimented his outward demeanour to the tee.

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