20. Planting Seeds

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Song: Play With Fire (feat. Yacht Money) - Sam Tinnesz





Romano cleared his throat, bringing my attention to him.

"So, tell me, cavolo, why did you steal that notebook?"



"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, directing my attention back to the soup.

I could almost feel him smirk beside me, the bastard.

"I don't like it when people lie to me, carota."

He leaned closer and put his mouth next to my ear, whispering as if what he was going to say was the biggest secret in the world.

"Let's try again, why did you steal that notebook porro?"

I swallowed the lump that was beginning to form in my throat. 

The real reason I wanted the notebook was because I needed to make sure that everyone in the mansion had the same intentions that I did. 

I knew something was off, and it would serve as a place where I could write down any comments or situations that rubbed me the wrong way.

Anything and everything.

Should I tell him, or not? 

Could I trust him, or not?

When I turned my head to peek at Mano's face, I found myself wanting to trust him and his stupid smile.

They're watching

I felt my eyes harden as I looked away from him and into my bowl. 

Right now, I couldn't trust anybody, not until I knew what was going on around me

I needed an excuse.

"I want to keep track of the different types of flowers in your garden." I lied, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Why didn't you ask me for it then? Why'd you steal it?"

I looked him in the eyes, pretending to be embarrassed.

"It's a little damaging to my bad girl reputation y 'know?" I told him, desperately hoping that he would take the lie and not question it any further.

Whether he believed it or not, I wasn't sure. 

He gazed into my eyes for a few heart-wrenching moments before sighing and leaning back in his seat with his arm still around my chair.

A feeling of uneasiness flooded my senses and I subtly looked around the food court. 

Was someone watching me?

I surveyed the room, an old couple a few tables to the right, a group of teenagers behind us, a family of three in front of us and two men a few tables away from them. 

All of the groups looked like they were in their own world but I couldn't shake the unmistakeable feeling of eyes on my back. 

I quickly downed the rest of the bowl.

"Let's get out of here tata."

Without much protest, he slurped the rest of his noodles and left to get into his car.

They're watching.

When we got back to the mansion I still couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that was seeping into my bones. 

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