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Mori is a very professional man, especially when it comes to business. So even when his mind was flooded with the words 'secret', 'love', and 'child', his body still followed the fluid motions of prepping the testing machine, or the medical pod.

Unfortunately, the shock was still there. So as Yu Yan moved to lay down on the pod's soft inner bed, Mori flipped and abruptly turned his head to Nyx.

"You have a secret love child?!" Mori all but whisper-yelled behind Yu Yan's back, before turning to Yu Yan, who was squinting at the bright lights on the ceiling--you can't blame him, he was used to candlelight and lanterns. They were underground but the lights here burned like the afternoon sun, if not brighter.

"You react only now? Are you a fool?" Nyx looked slightly annoyed.

But Mori wasn't listening. His mind was still preoccupied, his face sporting a trance-like demeanor.

"...A love child, a secret love child, that Nyx", Mori trailed off.

Captain's hand twitched, wanting to hit back some sense into Mori's head, but refrained from doing so as the latter could still do his job regardless.

His brain might fly away if I hit too hard, thought Captain. I'll do it after the test.

He internally nodded in approval of himself.

Pressing a button somewhere on the underside of the bed, a transparent lid come from several points like spider legs coming from underneath. These 'legs' grew until they converged in the middle, making an oblong pod.

Yu Yan pressed his hand on the lid, expecting it to be soft like jelly, rubber-ish or at least be bubble-like. Surprisingly, it had the texture of a hard wall.

Slowly, the pod filled with gas until the person inside could no longer be seen.

More laser like things began scanning his body; up, down, diagonal, side by side; every nook and cranny was scanned. Soon, a holographic blueprint of Yu Yan's body appeared on top of the pod, with a blue pop up screen providing the summary results.

Mori stared at the pop up results for awhile. He kept rereading it until the numbers and data finally sinked in; his eyes widened.

"I-Impossible", he exclaimed.

He directly went to the next test without notice; the spiritual test. Nyx didn't say anything all throughout the process, but his eyebrows were furrowed. When the results came out yet again, Mori looked at the pod as if he has glimpsed Buddha.

Yu Yan wasn't sure what had happened. The smoke inside has already evaporated without a trace, leaving the scene outside to be viewable. The bio laser scanners where already turned off as well, but Mori was still ogling Yu Yan as if he was the eighth wonder of the galaxy.

With an impassive face, he looked at Nyx. Captain sighed and pressed the release button. Finally, the lid dissipated irregularly, as if it was eaten by parasites.

Peeved at Mori, Yu Yan hid behind Nyx immediately after his release.

Yu Yan: Better stay away from fools. I heard that idiocy is contagious.

Nyx put a square box on Yu Yan's right hand. Yu Yan looked up at his Captain, looking for an explanation. The wide-eyed, innocent, looking up, puppy eyes technique was indeed deadly. Nyx got his heart fatally pierced! But the mighty him forcibly swallowed down the blood threatening to come out his throat.

"You're new terminal", he faked composure.

Yu Yan beamed. He may have a cold face or an annoyed one at times, but this eyes and micro expressions were sufficient in displaying his delight.

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